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Duty; and in this your Majeſty may ſee I am more to be pitied than blamed. If there be any thing elſe, with relation to my ſelf, that you deſire to be informed of, my Sifter Amine will give you the full Diſcovery of it, by the Relation of her Story.

After the Caliph had heard Zobeide with a great deal of Aſtoniſhment, he deſired his Grand Viſier to pray fair Amine to acquaint him wherefore her Breaſt was mark’d with ſo many Scars.

Bur, Sir, ſaid Scheherazade, it is Day, and T dare not detain your Majeſty any longer. Schahriar being perſuaded that the Story which Scheherazade was to relate would explain the former, ſaid to himſelf, I muſt have the Pleaſure of hearing this Story out: Upon which he aroſe, and reſolved that Scheherazade ſhould live one Day longer.

The Sixty Seventh Night.

DInarzade was in a longing Condition to hear the Story of Amine, and therefore awak’d the Sultanelſs a long while before Day, ſaying, Dear Siſter, pray let us know why fair Amine had her Breaſt ſo cover’d with Scars: I conſent to it, ſays the Sultaneſs, and that no time may be loſt, you muſt know that Amine addreſs’d her ſelf to the Caliph, and began her Story after this manner.

The Story of Amine.

COmmander of the Faithful, ſays ſhe, to avoid repeating what your Majeſty has aiready heard by my Sifter’s Story, I ſhall on!y add, that after my Mother had taken a Houſe for her ſelf to live in during her Widow-hood, ſhe gave me in Marriage with the Portion my Father left me, to a Gentleman that had one of the beſt Eſtates in this City.

I had ſcarce been a Year married when I became a Widow, and was left in Poſſeſſion of all my Husband’s Eſtate, which amounted to 90 thouſand Sequins. The Intereſt of this Money was ſufficient to maintain me very honourably. In the mean time, when my firſt fix Months Mourning was over, I caus’d to be made me 10 Suits of Cloths
