Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 2.djvu/99

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ing him by the Tail, and endeavouring to devour him: I had Compaſſion on him, and inſtead of flying away, I had the Boldneſs and Courage to take up a Stone that by chance lay by me, and threw it at the great Serpent with all my Strength, whom I hit on the Head, and Killed him. The other finding him ſelf at liberty, took to his Wings and flew away: I looked a long while after him in the Air, as being an extraordinary thing; but he flew out of ſight, and I lay down again in another Place in the Shade and fell aſleep.

When I awaked, judge how I was ſurprized to ſee a black Woman by me, of a lively and agreeable Complexion, who held two Bitches tied together in her Hand, of the ſame Colour, I ſat up and asked her who ſhe was; I am, faid ſhe, the Serpent whom you delivered not long fince from my mortal Enemy. I knew not how to acknowledge the great Kindneſs you did me, but by doing what I have done. I knew the Treachery of your Siſters, and to revenge you on them, as ſoon as I was ſet at liberty by your generous Aſſiſtance, I called ſeveral of my Companions together, Fairies like my ſelf, we have carried all the Lading that was in your Veſſel, into your Store-houſes at Bagdad, and afterwards ſunk it.

Thoſe two black Bitches are your Siſters, whom I have transformed into this Shape: But this Puniſhment is not ſufficient, for I will have you to treat them after ſuch a manner as I ſhall direct.

At theſe Words the Fairy took me faſt under one of her Arms, and the two Bitches in the other, and carried me ta my Houſe in Bagdad, where I found all the Riches which were loaden on board my Veſſel in my Store-houſes. Before ſhe left me, ſhe delivered me the two Bitches, and told me, If you will not’be chang’d into a Bitch, as they are, I ordain you in the Name of him that governs the Sea, to give cach of your Siſters oy Night an 100 Laſhes with a Rod, for the Puniſhment of the Crime they have committed againſt your Perſon, and the young Prince whom they drowned. I was forced to promiſe that I would obey her Order. Since that time I have whipped them every Night, though with Regret, whereof your Majeſty has been a Witneſs. I give evidence by my Tears, with how much Sorrow and Reluctancy I muſt perform this cruel
