Page:Archæologia Americana—volume 2, 1836.djvu/458

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422 A SYNOPSIS OF THE INDIAN TRIBES. THE LORD'S PRAYER, IN CHOCTA. Our Father sitting above. Let the naming of thee be sacred. Let thy 1. Tiki vba binili ma. 2. Chi hochihifo hokvt holitopashke. 3. Ish a dominion (where thou reigncst) come. What thou wiliest — this earth — heaven itself— let it pehliclri kvt vlashke. 4. Nana ish aianukfilli hokvt yokni iivppa bo the same. Our food for every day this day vba shutik ok inli chiyumashke. 5. Nitok moma pini ilhpok a himok nitok givo it to us. As we blot out those indebted to us, so blot a ish pipihin tashke. G. Mikma nana pini aheka yoka il i kashohofikma, nana out our debts for us. And leading us, bring us not il aheka yoka ish pi kashohofashke. 7. Yvrnohmi kvt ai anukpvlli imma into temptation. And leading, take us out from the hokvno pi lauet pisht ish ona na. 8. Yvmohrnikmvt ai okpuloka yoka pi evil, (or evil place). All these, where thou reignest, wholly, in truth, lauet ish pi a kuche chashke. 9. llvppa moma ish a pehlie chi a fullota aiahli shall be thine forever. kvt chimmi a bilia hoke. THE LORD'S PRAYER, IN DAHCOTA. Father our above he is. We wish may be rever- 1. Atey oaneeahpee wongkahntoo eeahngkey. 2. To keen wahkongwon- enced thy name. We wish things all thy power even may dahkahpee neets hejikee. 3. To keen tahkoo-owos wyahkeehee ehahn ong- come to us. What thou desirest all may it be accomplished as above kaheepee. 4. Takoo neetsheeng owos oneetsheetshaytoo ee eytshin wong- so earth on. Us give food day kahntoo eeytschin mahkah ahkan. 5. Oangkoomeeey tahkoo uetahpee ahmpey every. And us untie any evil done have we ey tooheyah. 6. Kah oangkeeueskkah tahkoo sheetshah eytsboongkhoopee ee as them untie shall we who any evil have done us. eytshen weetskoangkueshkahpee tuey tahkoo-sheetshah-eytshahoang keets Any evil to think of doing take care us to prevent, hoompe. 7. Tahkoo sheetshah ahwahtscheenpee eekee noha ee oeeahkeepee. Any evil deeds us deliver (from). Thou only men 8. Tahkoo sheetshah aytshoongkoopee oangkootshkah. 9. Nishnuna weetsh- king father very glorious for ever. May it be ashtahnee eehtahpee eenee otahn tokahn wongkaytshee. 10. Haykahnahn done, gklau.