Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/136

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The Antiquities and History of Somersetshire, Parts VII. and VIII., being the first portion of Vol. II. containing the History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church at Wells; the Hundred of Wells Forum, with part of the Hundred of Whitstone, including Shepton- Mallet. By the Rev. Wm. Phelps, A.B., F S.A., Vicar of Meare and Bicknoller. Price, sewed, in demy 4to., £1. 5s.; royal 4to., £1. 16s. In cloth boards, £3. 13s. 6d., demy 4to.; royal paper, £5. 5s. The second portion of Vol. II. will contain the History of the Hundreds of Frome, Kilinersdon, Bath-Forum, and Wellow, &c.
Ecclesiastical Architecture of Great Britain from the Conquest to the Reformation, illustrated by Views, Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Details. Edited by H. Bowman, Architect. Part I. and II. contain Norbury Church, Derbyshire; III. and IV. Lambley Church, Nottinghamshire; V. and VI. Castle-Rising Church, Norfolk; VII. and VIII. Chaddesley Corbet Church, Worcestershire; IX. Long-Ashton Church, Somersetshire. Royal 4to., price 3s. 6d. each Part, containing five Lithographic plates.
The Remains of the Ancient Monastic Architecture of England. By Joseph Potter, Architect, Lichfield. Royal folio, Parts I. and II. (each containing 10 plates in outline,) 7s. each Part.
Architectural Parallels, or the Progress of Ecclesiastical Architecture through the Transitional, Early English, and Early Decorated Periods, illustrated by Geometrical Drawings and Perspective Views of the Principal Abbey Churches in England and Wales, of the 12th and 13th centuries. By Edmund Sharpe, Esq., M.A., Architect. Imperial folio; Part I. containing 10 Plates beautifully drawn on stone in outline. Price £1. 1s., Large Paper, £1. 5s.
Monks and Monasteries, an account of English Monachism. By the Rev. Samuel Fox, M.A., F.S.A. Price 5s.
The Ecclesiastical Antiquities of the Cymry: or the Ancient British Church, its History, Doctrine, and Rites. By the Rev. John Williams, M.A., Perpetual Curate of Nerquis, Diocese of St. Asaph. London.
Caledonia Romana: a Descriptive Account of the Roman Antiquities of Scotland, preceded by an Introductory View of the aspect of the Country and the State of its Inhabitants in the first century of the Christian Era, and by a summary of the Historical Transactions connected with the Roman Occupation of North Britain. Imp. 8vo., pp. 362. 5 maps, 15 plates. Cloth, £1. 1s. Edinburgh.