Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/137

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A New Statistical Account of Perthshire. By the Ministers of the respective Parishes, under the Superintendance of a Committee of the Society for the Benefit of the Sons and Daughters of the Clergy. Thick 8vo., £1. 7s. [This is a good model for a concise County History, being well arranged and having a good Index.]
Practical Geology and Ancient Architecture of Ireland. By G. Wilkinson. Royal 8vo., pp. 400. 17 plates and 72 woodcuts. Cloth, £1. 8s.
A Manual of British Historians to A.D. 1600; containing a Chronological Account of the early Chroniclers and Monkish Writers; their printed works and unpublished MSS. By W. D. Macray. 8vo., pp. 134. 9s.
Illuminated Illustrations of Froissart; selected from the MS. in the Bibliothèque Royale, Paris, and from other sources. By H. N. Humphreys, Esq. Royal 8vo. 36 plates and letterpress. Half-bound morocco. £2. 5s.
The Curiosities of Heraldry, with Illustrations from Old English Writers. By M. A. Lower, 8vo., pp. 336. Numerous wood-engravings. Cloth. 14s.
The Typography of the Fifteenth Century; being Specimens of the Productions of the early Continental Printers, exemplified in a Collection of Fac-Similes from a hundred works, together with their Water-Marks. Arranged and Edited from the Bibliographical Collections of the late Samuel Sotheby by his son, S. Leigh Sotheby. Folio, £4.
The History of Etruria. Vol. II. from the Foundation of Rome to the General Peace of Anno Tarquiniensis, 839, B.C. 348. By Mrs. Hamilton Gray. Post 8vo., pp. 458. Maps. 12s.
A Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. Fourth Edition, much enlarged, 2 vols. 8vo. £1. 12s.
Collection of Architectural Ornaments of the Middle Ages in the Byzantine and Gothic Styles. By Charles Heideloff, Architect, Nuremberg, Germany. 4to. London. £2. 8s.
A Report of the Proceedings of the British Archaeological Association at the First General Meeting held at Canterbury in the month of September, 1844. Edited by Alfred John Dunkin. 8vo., pp. 398, with 16 plates. Cloth, £1. 1s.