Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/431

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horne, M.A.; Account of the painted chamber in the royal Palace at Westminster, by John Gage Rokewode, Esq., Dir.S.A., fol. 1842; engraved portraits of Philip and Mary, (published by the Granger Society,) portraits of John Talbot, earl of Shrewsbury, and his Lady, and an engraving from a sepulchral brass in Stoke Fleming church, Devonshire; Cotgrave's French and English Dictionary, 1650, fol.; A Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, by Francis Grose, 1776, 4to.; A Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour, &c. by Sir Samuel R. Meyrick, 2nd. ed., 1842, fol. By Mr. Boyle:—Salmon's Chronological Historian, 1723, 8vo.; The Ornaments of Churches considered, &.c. 1761, 4to.; Archæologia, vol. I. 1770, 4to.; The History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Borough of Evesham, by W. Tindal, M.A., 1794, 4to.; Burton's History of Leicestershire, fol. imperfect, the missing portions supplied in the hand-writing of Francis Peck, the antiquary of Stamford; History and Topography of the Isle of Axholme, by the Rev. W. B. Stonehouse, M.A., 1839, 4to.; Sandford's Genealogical History of the Kings of England, 1677, fol.; Lodge's Life of Sir Julius Cæsar, Knt, &c., 1810, 4to. By Mr. J. H. Parker:—A Glossary of Terms used in Architecture, 2 vols. 8vo., 1845; Account of the Abbey Church at Dorchester. 1845, 8vo., published by the Oxford Society for promoting the study of Gothic Architecture; The Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral, by the Rev. R. Willis, M.A., &c., 1845, 8vo.; Churches not to be violated, written by Sir Henry Spelman, Knt., reprint, 1841, 16mo.; The Rich Man's Duty to contribute liberally to the Building &c. of Churches, by Edward Wells, D.D., and the Journal of William Dowsing, of Stratford, Parliamentary Visitor for demolishing the superstitious pictures and ornaments of Churches, &c., within the county of Suffolk, in the years 1643, 1644, reprint, 1840, 16mo. By the Author:—A Guide through the Town of Shrewsbury, 1845, 16mo. By the Rev. C. Lukis:—Representations of Church Plate, printed in gold and silver. By the Editor; Documents illustrative of English History, in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth centuries, selected from the Records of the Department of the Queen's Remembrancer of the Exchequer, and edited by Henry Cole, assistant keeper of the Public Records, 1844, fol. By George Bowyer, Esq., D.C.L.:—Abingdon in 1644, a Lecture by H. G. Tomkins, 8vo. By F. Dickenson, Esq., M. P.:—The Pitney Pavement, &c., by Sir R. C. Hoare, 8vo. By J. B. Langhorne, Esq.:—Gale's Registrum Honoris de Richmond; fol., large paper, rare. By Messrs. Hodges and Smith:—A Grammar of the Irish Language, by John O'Donovan, 1845, 8vo. By the Author:—A concise Genealogical and Biographical History of England, by George Russell French, Architect, 1841, 8vo. By Henry Smith, Esq.:—Religio Medici &c., by Sir Thomas Browne, edited by Henry Gardiner, M.A.. of Exeter College Oxford; 1845, 8vo.

Bronze arrow-head of singular fashion, with the point bifid: discovered in 1844 in the lake of Monalty, co. Monaghan.

Presented by Evelyn Philip Shirley. Esq., M.P.