Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/432

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Matrix of the seal of the chantry founded at Wimborne, Dorset, by Thomas de Brembre, Dean of Wimborne, 1350. Engraved in Hutchins' Dorset.

Presented by the Rev. Robert Wickham, of Twyford, Hants.

Leaden matrix discovered at Dunwich, SIGILLVM PƐNITƐNCIARI IEROSOL'. Device, a patriarchal cross fitchée between two keys. A representation of it is given in the Archæologia, xxiii., 410.

Presented by Thomas Duffus Hardy, Esq.

Three ancient rings, one of silver, with this device, the letter W surmounted by a crown, date, I5th century. A small silver watch of early workmanship.

Presented by the Rev. Robert Wickham, of Twyford, Hants.

Impressions from sepulchral brasses.

Presented by Michael W. Boyle, Esq., Richard P. Pullan, Esq., Rev. R. Vernon Whitby, Rev. C. Boutell, John Lean, Esq., Mr. Hood, A. P. Moor, Esq., and Charles James, Esq.

Sixpence of the reign of Elizabeth, found with a large number of coins of that period, at Skibbereen.

Presented by the Rev. R. Webb.

A large collection of casts of ancient seals, including the Great Seals of England.

Presented by Edward Hailstone, Esq.

The subjoined cut, forming the lower part of the inscription on a screen formerly in the church of Llanvair-Waterdine, Shropshire, was accidentally omitted in the last number. See p. 269.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 2, 0432.png


Is there any early representation of St. Michael and the Dragon which exhibits the Saint as mounted on horseback?

Where is the remarkable enamelled reliquary in the form of a small chapel, formerly in the possession of Astle, now preserved? It was ornamented with Limoges work, and large pieces of rock crystal. Two representations of it are given in the Vetusta Monumenta.