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Yonder he strides, with a terrible countenance, and would cool his thirst at the waters of God's justice;
Is called a beast, but is only a ravening child...
Few recognize, in such a dangerous outcast, the figure of eternal Freedom groping for its soul!
Already the forces are gathering to strike him down,
For he bears a banner, strange and misinterpreted; a banner of one color, of one meaning—
The emblem of the universal State which is but Love made comprehensible!
Too, has he not a creed which says: who lives must labor, who sows must reap, who toils must have the triumph of his toll?
Take heed, O World, for he shall rend you and change you—
You shall feel his burning rags upon your bosom e'er the day be spent;
You shall lie with him in the abysmal night,
And wake with him after agonies,
And find him as a new-born child upon your breast at morning....