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your stories. She thinks you could give her such good material for her history classes.

George (rather cynically). Huh! Maybe I could! (More vivaciously.) And how's old Doc Spangler—spry as ever?

Joe. Gee, George, when I think of some of the experiences you young fellows have had...

George. Old Doc must be all of ninety seems to me. How is the old boy?

Joe. Doesn't look a day over 60. Just how does it feel, George, when the order comes to go over the top at daybreak? Say, that must be...

George (turning to Mable). I suppose Cousin Sue Bromley is getting to be quite a girl by now.

Mable. Yes, Sue's almost a young lady. George, did you ever feel afraid, or did the excitement just sort of carry you along?

George. Well, if all the youngsters have grown as fast as Skeezix here.... Skeezix, have you got a dog? Seems to me a boy your size ought to have.

Joe. I expect those Heinies were pretty ugly customers. Did you ever come face to face with one? (George looks from one to the other, harassed. Perhaps Mable has an inkling of his feeling.)

Mable (springing up). See here, you boys, I've got a dinner to tend to. I hardly expected