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Uncle George was in it. And that they had told him it was going to be a war to end all wars. And that he was what they call a good soldier. They gave him a medal for being what they called a good soldier—and I'd hate to have to tell a youngster your age what that means— But, never mind that; what I want you to remember is this: On the day your Uncle George came home he did that (pointing to the broken gun). And he said—now listen—these are the only words I'm going to ask you to remember—he said: "That's what should be done to all of them." Can you remember that?

Bobbie. I can remember.

George. Sure? Cross your heart now and say "I'll remember."

Bobbie (solemnly). I'll remember. (Voices outside.)

Mable. I'll just let you have a glimpse of him. But, remember, I won't have him kept from his dinner.

George. Here, let's beat it, kid, after those skates. (They hurry out by the back door. Mable, Mrs. Cory and Miss Spangler enter.)

Miss Spangler. All we ask now is just a glimpse to be sure he is all right.

Mrs. Cory. Yes, just to see...

Mable. He's here with Bobbie. Why!

Mrs. Cory and Miss Spangler. Why!