Page:Army Act, 1950 on Gazette of India.pdf/23

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MAY 23, 1950

85. Punishment of Junior commissioned officers.—A commanding officer or such other officer as is, with the consent of the Central Government, specified by the Commander-in-Chief may, in the prescribed manner, proceed against a junior commissioned officer who is charged with an offence under this Act and award the punishment of stoppage of pay and allowances until any proved loss or damage occasioned by the offence of which he is convicted is made good.

86. Transmission of proceedings.—In every case in which punishment has been awarded under any of the sections 88, 84 and 85, certified true copies of the proceedings shall be forwarded, in the prescribed manner, by the officer awarding the punishment, to a superior military authority as defined in section 88.

87. Review of proceedings.—If any punishment awarded under any of the sections 88, 84 and 85 appears to ft superior military authority as defined in section 88 to be illegal, unjust or excessive, such authority may cancel, vary or remit the punishment and make such other direction as may be appropriate in the circumstances of the case.

88. Superior military authority.—For the purpose of sections 86 and 87, 'superior military authority' means—

(a) in the case of punishments awarded by a commanding officer, any officer superior in command to such commanding officer;
(b) in the case of punishments awarded by any other authority, the Central Government, the Commander-in-Chief or other officer specified by the Commander-in-Chief.

89. Collective fines.—(1) Whenever any weapon or part of a weapon forming part of the equipment of a half squadron, battery, company or other similar unit is lost or stolen, the officer commanding the army, army corps, division or independent brigade to which such unit belongs may, after obtaining the report of a court, of inquiry, impose a collective fine upon the junior commissioned officers, warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and men of such unit, or upon so many of them as, in his judgment, should be held responsible for such loss or theft.

(2) Such fine shall be assessed as a percentage on the pay of the individuals on whom it fails.


90. Deductions from pay and allowances of officers.—The following penal deductions may be made from the pay and allowances of an officer, that is to say,—

(a) all pay and allowances due to an officer for every day he absents himself without leave, unless a satisfactory explanation has been given to his commanding officer and has been approved by the Central Government;
(b) all pay and allowances for every day while he is in custody or under suspension from duty on a charge for an offence for which he is afterwards convicted by a Criminal Court or a court-martial or by an officer exercising authority under section 83 or section 84;
(c) any sum required to make good the pay of any person subject to this Act which he has unlawfully retained or unlawfully refused to pay;
(d) any sum required to make good such compensation for any expenses, loss, damage or destruction occasioned by the commission of an offence as may be determined by the court-martial by whom ho is convicted of such offence, or by an officer exercising authority under section 83 or section 84;