Page:Army Act, 1950 on Gazette of India.pdf/24

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MAY 23, 1950

(e) all pay and allowances ordered by a court-martial or an officer exercising authority under section 85. to be forfeited or stopped;
(f) any sum required to pay a fine awarded by a criminal court or a court-martial exercising jurisdiction under section 69;
(g) any sum required to make good any loss, damage, or destruction of public or regimental property which, after due investigation, appears to the Central Government to have been occasioned by the wrongful act or negligence on the part of the officer;
(h) all pay and allowances forfeited by order of the Central Government if the officer is found by a court of inquiry constituted by the Commander-in-Chief in this behalf, to have deserted to the enemy, or while in enemy hands, to have served with, or under the orders of, the enemy, or in any manner to have aided the enemy, or to have allowed himself to be taken prisoner by the enemy through want of due precaution or through disobedience of orders or wilful neglect of duty, or having been taken prisoner by the enemy, to have failed to rejoin his service when it was possible to do so;
(i) any sum required by order of the Central Government to be paid for the maintenance of his wife or his legitimate or illegitimate child or towards the cost of any relief given by the said Government to the said wife or child.

91. Deductions from pay and allowances of persons other than officers.—Subject to the provisions of section 94 the following penal deductions may be made from the pay and allowances of a person subject to this Act other than an officer, that is to say,—

(a) all pay and allowances for every day of absence either on desertion or without leave, or as a prisoner of war, and for every day of transportation or imprisonment awarded by a criminal court, a court-martial or an officer exercising authority under section 80, or of field punishment awarded by a court-martial or such officer;
(b) all pay and allowances for every day while he is in custody on a charge for an offence of which he is afterwards convicted by a criminal Court or a court-martial, or on a charge of absence without leave for which he is afterwards awarded imprisonment or field punishment by an officer exercising authority under section 80;
(c) all pay and allowances for every day on which he is in hospital on account of sickness certified by the medical officer attending on him to have been caused by an offence under this Act committed by him;
(d) for every day on which he is in hospital on account of sickness certified by the medical officer attending on him to have been caused by his own misconduct or imprudence, such sum as may be specified by order of the Central Government or such officer as may be specified by that Government;
(e) all pay and allowances ordered by a court-martial or by an officer exercising authority under any of the sections 80, 83, 84 and 85, to be forfeited or stopped;
(f) all pay and allowances for every day between his being recovered from the enemy and his dismissal from the service in consequence of hie conduct when being taken prisoner be, or while in the hands of, the enemy;
(q) any sum required to make good such compensation for any expenses, loss, damage or destruction caused by him to the Central Government or to any building or property as may be awarded by his commanding officer;