Page:Army Act, 1950 on Gazette of India.pdf/4

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MAY 23, 1950

by their commission, warrant, terms of enrolment or otherwise, are liable to render continuously for a term military service to tho Union in any part of the world, including persons belonging to the Reserve Forces and the Territorial Army when called out on permanent services;

(xxii) regulation" includes a regulation made under this Act.
(xxiii) "superior officer", when used in relation to a person subject to thin Act, includes a junior commissioned officer, warrant officer and a non-commissioned officer, and, as regards persons placed under his orders, an officer, warrant officer, petty officer and non-commissioned officer of the Navy or Air Force;
(xxiv) "warrant officer means a person appointed, gazetted or in pay as a warrant officer of the regular Army or of the Indian Reserve Forces, and includes a warrant officer of the Indian Supplementary Reserve Forces or of the Territorial Army or of the land forces of a Part B State who is for the time being subject to this Act;
(xxv) all words and expressions used but not defined in this Act and defined in the Indian Penal Code (Act XLV of 1860) shall be deemed to have the meanings assigned to them in that Code.


4. Application of Act to certain forces under Central Government.—(1) The Central Government may, by notification, apply, with or without modifications, all or any of the provisions of this Act to any force raised and maintained in India under tho authority of that Government, including any force maintained by a Part B State, and suspend the operation of any other enactment for the tune being applicable to the said force.

(2) The provisions of this Act so applied shall have effect in respect of persons belonging to the said force as they have effect in respect of persons subject to this Act holding in the regular Army the same or equivalent rank as the aforesaid persons hold for the time being in the said force.

(3) The provisions of this Act so applied shall also have effect in respect of persons who are employed by or are in the service of or are followers of or accompany any portion of the said force as they have effect in respect of persons subject to thin Act under clause (i) of section 2.

(4) While any of the provisions of this Act apply to tho said force, the Central Government may, by notification, direct by what authority any jurisdiction, powers or duties incident to the operation of these provisions shall be exercised or performed in respect of the said force.

5. Application of Act to forces of Part B States.—(1) The Central Government may, by notification, direct that any person or persons belonging to the land forces of any fart B State shall be attached to any body of the regular Army or that the whole or a part of the said forces shall act with any body of the regular Army, or shall be placed at the disposal of the Central Government, and thereupon the persons so attached and members of the said force shall become subject to this Act.

(2) The relative rank of officers, junior commissioned officers, warrant officers and non-commissioned officers of such forces and of the regular Army shall be such as may be determined by the Central Government or by such other authority as may be prescribed.

6. Special provision as to rank In certain cases—(1) The Central Government may, by notification, direct that any persons or class of persons subject to this Act under clause (i) of section 2 shall be subject as officers, junior commissioned officers, warrant officers or non-commissioned officers and may authorise any officer to give a like direction and to cancel such direction.