Page:Army Act, 1950 on Gazette of India.pdf/5

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MAY 23, 1950

(2) All persons subject to this Act other than officers, junior commissioned officers, warrant officers and non-commissioned officers shall, if they are not persons in respect of whom a notification or direction under sub-section (1) is in force, be deemed to be of a rank inferior to that of a non-commissioned officer.

7. Commanding officer of persons subject to military law under clause (i) of section 2.—(1) Every person subject to this Act under clause (i) of section 2 shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to be under the commanding officer of the corps, department or detachment, if any, to which he is attached, and, if he is not so attached, under the command of any officer who may for the time being be named as his commanding officer by the officer commanding the force with which such person for the time being is serving, or any other prescribed officer, or, if no such officer is named or prescribed, under the command of the said officer commanding the force.

(2) An officer commanding a force shall not place a person subject to this Act under clause (i) of section 2 under the command of an officer of rank inferior to that of such person, if there is present at the place where such person is any officer of a higher rank under whose command he can be placed.

8. Officers exercising powers in certain cases.—(1) Whenever persons subject to this Act are serving under an officer commanding any military organisation, not in this section specifically named and being in the opinion of the Central Government not less than a brigade, that Government may prescribe the officer by whom the powers, which under this Act ma be exercised by officers commanding armies, army corps, divisions and brigades, shall, as regards such persons, be exercised.

(2) The Central Government may confer such powers, either absolutely or subject to such restrictions reservations, exceptions and conditions, as it may think fit.

9. Power to declare persons to be on active service. —Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (i) of section 3, the Central Government may, by notification, declare that any person or class of persons subject to this Act shall, with reference to any area in which they may be serving or with reference to any provision of this ct or of any other law for the time being in force be deemed to be on active service within the meaning of this Act.


10. Commission and appointment.—The President may grant, to such person as he thinks fit, a commission as an officer, or as a junior commissioned officer or appoint any person, as a warrant officer of the regular Army.

11. Ineligibility of aliens for enrolment—No person who is not a citizen of India shall, except with the consent of the Central Government signified in writing, be enrolled in the regular Army:

Provided that nothing contained in this section shall bar the enrolment of the subjects of Nepal in the regular Army.

12. Ineligibility of females for enrolment or employment.—No female shall be eligible for enrolment or employment in the regular Army, except in such corps, department, branch or other body forming part of, or attached to any portion of, the regular Army as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf:

Provided that nothing contained in this section shall affect the provisions of any law for the time being in force providing for the raising and maintenance of any service auxiliary to the regular Army, or any branch thereof in which females are eligible for enrolment or employment.