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drunk, that though ſhe could ſcarcely ſtand, ſhe beat my back and ſides blue. Nay ſhe has got the way ſo perfect, that I am perſuaded ſhe will never leave it; and therefore by my conſent you ſhould put him to the ſame death that many of my enemies have been put to, that is, to ſnap off his head.

Mr. Wheatly

Head him, aye hang him too, if you pleaſe, you ſhall have my conſent, for I am ſure he doth deſerve it, for I am certain he doth daily and hourly abuſe me. I am ſure I have been a man that hath often times been highly eſteemed both by Lords, Knights and Squires, and none could pleaſe them ſo well as James Wheatly the Baker. But now the caſe is altered, Sir John Barleycorn is the man that is highly eſteemed in every place. I am ſtill but plain James Wheatly, and he is now Sir John Barleycorn in every one's mouth, though he has ruined many an honeſt man in England; for the company of our John Barleycorn I can prove it to be true, has ſurely cauſed many an