Page:Arraigning and indicting of Sir John Barleycorn (1).pdf/11

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honeſt man to waſte and conſume all that ever he had, and more if he can but get it. Nay he hath cauſed many a man to to ſell houſe and land, and all that ever he had, to maintain riot with Sir John Barleycorn. Nay when men have done all that ever they can, ſold all ſpent all, and left nothing, yet the fancy they bear to Sir John Barleycorn makes them rob and ſteal for money. Nay, robbing and ſtealing will not ſerve ſometimes, but they kill and ſlay, murdering one another for money to keep Sir John Barleycorn company, till at laſt the hangman gets part of them. And this Sir John Barleycorn is the great foundation of all this miſchief, and therefore he deſerves to loſe his head

Old Noll and Old Nick the Judges.

Well, what anſwer can you make for yourſelf, Sir John? You hear this complaints made againſt you, wherein you are ſtrongly accuſed both of felony and murder.