Page:Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke - 1899.djvu/17

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beyondc.' This f myne made vppon the saide boke, I have

here sent and dedicated to you my special! goode Lorde. at pane of witnes of my faithfull service owid to singulare goodne* to

me your poore bcdeman. And tbowghe my saide diligence t* fer beneth m\ .lutie to your so singular beneuolence. yet 1 moste humbly hcseche your mostc goode Lordeshippe to accept it. And I shall. Cod willing, or

things. Our lorde pr/serve yoav estate w/U all prosp^rite and encrease of honore,

Your goode Lordesbippes

bounden servant & bcdeman

Leonard Cox

Endorsed : To the right honorable and my special) goode lorde the lorde prevy scale."

The second letter is as follows :

My singulare goode Lorde : pleas your goode Lordeshippe to vnder- stonde that a lytle afore Whitsontide I receyvid a letter from M. Hcrthlet

<. .ter to the Kings mostc honorable highnes. whenn he

oecouu L.encr . _

to Cromwell. certlfied me of yo*r lordshippes goodnes towarde me as well in accepting my poore boke* as in admitting me into yoirr service, and of a ferther pnnnes of your speciall benevolence ; ffor the whiche I am moste bounden of all men nott oncly to employ my self w/t// all trewe diligence to do your Lordshippe the best service that 1 can, but also to be your dayly bedeman during my life. I btsechr good Lordeshippe to pardon me that I have not or this tyme. as my dutic is, geven attendaunce on your Lordshippe. But I trust or Michaelmas to bring w/t// me to you a ferre better worke than that vkick I have dedicate to yowe all n-dy. \ that vppon rhetorik, wA/V4 I entende to entitle Erote- mata rhetorica. I knowe right well the feblenes of my wittc is suchc that in oother things I can <!> yo//r lordeshippe but small service or none in this I trust so to serve you that the worlde shall alwaies be myndefull of yo//r singulare beneficence, not to me onely, but to all that be studiouse of goode lernyng. Wherin I will neither spare busy studie & laborr. nor coste on books. And ons eusry yeare I entend during my life, by Goddes

1 Published 1540. See list of Cox's works, infra, p.

'This letter, of which he gives a synopsis, is dated April 1540 by Gmirdner in his edition of letters and Papers of the A'rigm / Henry /'///(London. 1896). Vol. XV, No. 614 ; see also No. 706. Cromwell was made Lord Privy Seal 2 Julv 1536, and was executed on 28 July 1540. It was evidently written before Whit- suntide : see next letter.

31. e. The Latin Commentaries on 1 illy, printed by Berthelet in 1540 (see Herberts' Ames 1, 438), and spoken of in the preceding letter.

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