Introduction: I. The Beginnings of Prose Criticism in England—Value of Cox's Rhetoric—Life of Cox—Birth and Education—Travels—Date of the Rhetoric—Letters : from Erasmus; to Toy and Cromwell—Leland on Cox's Learning—Schoolmaster at Reading——The Frith affair—Later Years
III. The Rhetoric of Cox—Renaissance Rhetoric—Passages on Rhetoric in England preceding Cox : Traversanus ; Caxton ; Hawes—Aim and Plan of Cox's Work—Its Source : Melanchthon—Cox and contemporary English Prose—Chief English Writers on Rhetoric following Cox : Wilson, Jonson, Bacon
A.—Appendix: Minor Rhetorical Writings of the Sixteenth Century in England : Sherry, Kamolde, Ascham, Fulwood, Peacham, Harvey, Mulcaster, Fenner, Fraunce, etc.
An Analysis and Outline of the Rhetoric of Melanchthon in Mosellanus' "In Philippi Melanchthonis Rhetorica Tabulae" (serving equally as an analytical Table of Contents for Cox)