Page:Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke - 1899.djvu/81

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////. .-/A-//. < h Kin ///cA 79

sayd thrc days afore Milo was fla\ he fhulde nat Ivuc

thre 1 daycs to an \nd that he went out of the my a Ivtlc

afore Milo rod- unit a great < :.-<- 1 1.

and inylc heuous knaves.

Signes e are as yf after thr dcdc was done he fled / or

cU ul, .11 it irai l.m-d to his charge: heblufThed or waxed pale / or itutted and roulde nat well Ijx -',

The contrarv places (as I fayd afore) long to the defender/ I'aue that i: hi* limit vie .11. tlnn^es / abfolutio* and inuendo*.*

Ablblucyon is wherby the dcfcndour fheweth that it is laufull for hyin to do that what the aduerfar th in for a figne of his



A man is founde coueryn- of a dcde body / and therupon accuied of murder/ he may aniuerc that it is laufull to do fo for the preferuacyon of his body fror i .d other that wold deuoure

hym / tyll tyine he had warned people to fct

Inueni in is wherhy we fhewe that the flgne whiche is brought a^aynlte \ \s I wolde nat hauc tarycd to couer

hyin yf I had done the dedc my felfc : Imt hauc fled and fhronkc alyde int. for feare of takynge.

Of the concluiion.

The <(>//( luiio// is as I haue layd afore in 4 briefe repetynge of the effecte of our reafons / \ in mouynge the Judges to our |K iv 1>] purpoie. The accuier to punylVhe the person* ao The defender/ to moue him t<> pity.

Of the (\ate iuridiciall / and the handelynge therof.

As Uate coniecturall coincth out of this ijueityon ( wlu> dyd the dede) fo whan there is no dout* but that the dede is done / and who dyd it / many t vmes controuerfy is had / whether it hathe bene done laufully or nat. And thi> Itatc is negociall or iuridiciall /

��\\. In A. he Mat shuttle Ivuc thrc dayeft.

  • B. Invcrciow ; /.at., inver&ionem.

inucrcion. * B. pen

om*. *B. doubt

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