Page:Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke - 1899.djvu/71

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/'/// .-/A' /A <M' CHAW*. < / /t'A'KA/ 69

afore the vyctorye ouer to many capitains of the Komaync* / and that ' it was your lucke to make an cnde of this warrc / in the u the Romayns haue ferre mo cuyl < hauirces than we of Cart ha- gene. And whether it were my deftene or chaturce that ought me this I kornefull lhamr I \vhn he br^an the warrc whan your father >//rull and after myiicil bata\lcwith him whan he was made ayne of th. I1S arn.v / inufte no* vnarmed

|I> Hi .i| i.. his ion :.. .tike peace of hym. It had ben befte for botlu- parties it it had pleaied the goddes to haue lent our fore fader* that mymlc / that von of Rome wolde have ben content with the Kmpyre of It araginox*' with Affr r ncythcr

Sifil* nor Sardynya can be any fuffy< u-nt amemlo to eyther of vs for ib many naucis fo many armies / fo ui.myand fo excellent capi- taines lofte in our warres betwene vs, but thynges pafTed / may loner be blamed tha// me//ded. we ot rne* (as touching

our parte) haue fo coueted other dominion that at lengthe we had bufines ynough to defende our poll ell ions. Nor the war hathe nat bene only with you in Italy or with \s oncly in Affryke : but at the pleafure of fortune fometyme here and fome there /in lo muche that you my maifters of Rome haue fene the lta//derdes and armes of your enemye> harde at your walles and gates of the citie. And we on the other fyde haue herde the noyfe out of your (amps 5 into our citie.

After the narracyon ought to folowe immadiately the propofjr- cyon of our councell or aduife. As after the narracio// of Haniball afore reherced/ foloweth the propofycyon of his purpofe thu>.

[D iii b | That thynge is nowe entreated while fortune is fauor- able vnto you / thai we ought inofte to abhorre / and you lurely ought aboue all thynges to defy re / that is to haue peace. And it is inofte for the profyte of vs two / whiche haue the mater in hand- dvnge that peace be had. And lure we be / that what fo eucr we agre vpow our ritics wyll ratyfye the fa

Nexte foloweth the co//firmat ion of tho thygnes that we ewtende to perfuade / whiche mult be fet out of the places of honifty / profyte / eafyn/ of* difficult;. we wyll perfuade

any thynge to be done / we fhall fhewe that it is nat oncly honeft

I 1 ,, than. B. Carthagene.

  • B. Carthaginoys. 'B. campc.

sfi. Sicil. *B. eaAoes/or.

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