Page:Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke - 1899.djvu/85

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I HI: AKTK OK CKAFTE Ol- AY//: ///<MTA7: 83

Of definition.

DefniH i..// las Tally wryteth) is wha/r in any wrytynge is Come worde put / the fignificacioir wherof rcj///n-th expofn

| \. vi i I) I ! -.ample.

A lawe inaye be made that fuche as forfake a fhyppc in tymc of tempi-it Ihulde lefe theyr ryght that they haue/ eyther in the fhyppe or in any goodes within the lame veiVell / & that they fhall haue the ihyp & the goodes that abyde rtyll in her.

It chaiwced .ii. men to be in a lytle crayer/of the whiche vefTell the one man was both owner and gouernour / and the other poflef- four of the goodes. And as they were in the mayne lee / they efpied one that was fwymmynge in the fee / and as well as he coulde holdyng vp his handes to them for focour / wherupo* they (beyng moued withjpytie) made towarde hym / & toke hym vp. Within a lytle after arofe a greate tempeft vpon them / and put them in fuche ieopardy that the owner of the fhyp (which was alfo gouernour) lepte out of the fhyp into the fhyp bote / & with Me rope that tyed the bote to the fhyp : he gouerned the fhyp as well as he colde. The marchant that was within the fhyp / for great difpayre of the lofle of his goodes / wyllyng to flee hym felfe : threft hymfelfe in with his owne fworde / but as it chaunced the wounde was nevther mortall nor very greuoufe / but natwithftandynge for that tyme he was vnable to do any good in helpyng the fhyp agaynft the impel- uoufnes of the ftorme. The thyrde [E viii a] man (whiche nat longe afore had fuffered fhypwracke) gate hym to the fterne : and holpe the veflell the belt that laye in hym.

At length the ftorme feaced / and the fhyp came fafe into the hauen / bote and all. He that was hurt (by helpe of Chirurgiens) recouered anon. Nowe euery of thefe thre chalenge the fhyp \- goodes as his owne. Here euery man laveth for hym the lawe aboue reherced, and all theyr controuerfy lyeth in the expoundynge of thre wordes / abydynge in the fhyp / and forfakynge the fhyp / and what we fhal in tuch cafe cal the fhyp / whether the bote as part of the fhyp : or els the fhyp it felfe alone.

The handelynge hereof is. Fyrft in few wordes and plaine to declare the fignificacion of the worde to our purpofe / and after fuche maner as may feme refonable to the audience. Nexte / after

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