Page:Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke - 1899.djvu/51

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////. ./A'//. ('A' L'KAh'TK OF AV/A 77/OA' )A/. 49

perfectc and bricfe forme of a Sillogifme / takynge in the incane feason of the Rhetom vans what ornamentes have bene caft fo 1 for to lyght and augment the oracyon / and to gyuc it a niaicjtic.

[B i a] * Thr j>la< rs nut of whome arc founde arguments tlu- prouinge or iinprouynge of compoumie Themes /are these fol- lowinge

I )it!inn ion. - Caufe.


I vke.


Of the places of argiiinentes fhalbe fpoken hereafter. For as touchy nge them in all thynges the Rhetorician and Lo^vcian do agre. But as concernynge the crafte to fou ume/rtes wha*

thou halt fou//de the/// in theyr places / that muft be lerned of the lan / where he treateth of the fourme of Sellogifmes / Enthi- memcs and Inductions.

in oracion demonftratiuc.

The ufe of an oracyon demonllrative is in prayfe or dyfprayfe / whiche kynde or maner of oracyon was greatly vfed fomtyme in comon accyons / as dothe declare the oracyons of Demofthenes / and alfo many of Thucidides oracio//s. And there ben thre maners of oracions demonftratyue.

The fyrft conteyneth the prayfe or dyfprayfe of pcrfones. As yf a man wolde prayfe the kynges hyghnes or / dyfprayfe fome yl per- fone / it muft be done by an oracyon demonftratyue. The fecunde kynde [B i b] of an oracyon demonltratyue is : where in is prayfed or dispraiied / nat the perfon but the dede. As yf a thefe put hym- felfe in icopardy for the fafegarde of a true man / agaynfte other theues and murderers / the perfon can nat be prayfed for his vicious lyuynge, but yet the dede is worthy to be commended. Or if one fhulde fpeake of Peters denyenge of Chrifte / he hath nothynge to dyfprayfe the perfon faue onely for this dede. The thyrde kynde is : wherin is lauded or blamed nother perfon nor dede / but fome other thynge as vertue / vice / iuftice / iniurie / charite / cnuie / pacience / wrothe and fuche lyke.

'B. to.

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