Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/216

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xii. 1-
(9 syll.). The second half-verse is twice quoted in Kāuç. (46. 52; 137. 13) in connection with filling up a hole that has been dug (iti saṁvapati) and the verse, in 137. 14, with removing elsewhither the dirt taken out.

62. Let slanders upon thee, free from disease, free from yákṣma, be produced (prásūta) for us, O earth; awakening to meet our long lifetime, may we be tribute-bearers to thee.

The sense of upasthā́s (p. upa॰sthā́ḥ) in a is doubtful; Ludwig renders 'laps,' as if upásthās; ⌊and so Bloomfield⌋; Bruce 'that shall dwell in thee.' The verse is quoted in Kāuç. 50. 10, in a ceremony for success. The description of the Anukr. is unintelligible, as the verse is a perfectly regular triṣṭubh.

63. O mother earth (bhū́mi), do thou kindly set me down well established; in concord with the heaven, O sage (kávi), do thou set me in fortune, in prosperity (bhū́ti).

The verse is used by Kāuç. (24. 27) in connection with vss. 1-7; also by the comm. to 58. 19 in the annaprāçana ceremony. Vāit. 27. 8 prescribes it on descending from the sacrificial post (cf. note to vs. 33). ⌊For çriyā́m, the only form of its kind in the AV., see JAOS. x. 389.⌋

⌊Here ends the first anuvāka, of 1 hymn and 63 verses. The quoted Anukr. says bhāumas tryadhikā ṣaṣṭiḥ.

2. The flesh-eating and the householder's fires.

[Bhṛgu.—pañcapañcāçat. āgneyam uta mantroktadevatyam; 21-33. mārtvyaḥ. trāiṣṭubham; 2, 5, 12-20, 34-36, 38-41, 43, 51, 54. anuṣṭubh (16. kakummatī parābṛhatī; 18. nicṛt; 40. purastātkakuvimatī); 3. āstārapan̄kti; 6. bhurig ārṣī pan̄kti; 7, 45. jagatī; 8, 48, 49. bhurij; 9. anuṣṭubgarbhā viparītapādalakṣmī pan̄kti; 37. purastādbṛhatī; 42. 3-p. 1-av. bhurig ārcī gāyatrī; 44. 1-av. 2-p. ārcī bṛhatī; 46. 1-av. 2-p. sāmnī triṣṭubh; 47. 5-p. bārhatavāirājagarbhā jagatī; 50. upariṣṭādvirāḍ bṛhatī; 52. purastādvirāḍ bṛhatī; 55. bṛhatīgarbhā.]

⌊Partly prose—vss. 42, 44.⌋ Found also (except vss. 36, 52) in Pāipp. xvii., with slight differences of order, pointed out under the verses. The whole hymn (which is also an anuvāka) is quoted in Kāuç. 69. 7 (with vii. 62 and the mahā́çānti hymns), in the ceremony of preparing the house-fire; and a large proportion of the verses in this and other ceremonies; a few also are used in the Vāit.; ⌊and the hymn is cited by Dārila on Kāuç. 43. 5⌋.

Translated: Ludwig, p. 479 (omitting here vss. 21-26, 30-31); Henry, 188, 227; Griffith, ii. 102.—The RV. correspondents of a number of the verses (7, 8, 21-25, 26, 30, 31) are discussed in my Skt. Reader, pages 380 ff., 388.

1. Ascend the reeds (naḍá); no place for thee is here; this lead is thy portion; come! what yákṣma is in kine, [what] yákṣma in men, in company with that do thou go forth downward.

This and vss. 11, 54, and 55 are quoted together in Kāuç. 71. 5, when putting fuel on the flesh-eating (kravyād) fire; also, in 71. 8, vss. 1-4, 42, 43, 15, 16 (with iii. 21. 8), with quenching it. Ppp. combines te ‘tra in a.