Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/217

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-xii. 2

2. By evil-plotter and ill-plotter, by actor and helper, both all yákṣma and death do we thereby drive out from here.

Ppp. reads in c, d mṛtyūṅç ca sarvāṅs tene ’to yakṣmāṅç ca nir etc. The first half-verse is like a half-verse in MS. iv. 14. 17; TA. ii. 47: duḥçansānuçaṅsā́bhyāṁ ghanénā ’nughanéna ca ⌊cf. Kaṭha-hss., p. 72⌋.

3. Out from here do we drive death, perdition, out the niggard; whoso hates us, him, O non-flesh-eating Agni, do thou eat; whomso we hate, him do we impel to thee.

The pada-text has in c, ádhi; and most of the saṁhitā-mss. ádhy agne, in accordance with it, though one or two (Bs.E.) have áddhy agne, which is no various reading, but only an allowed equivalent. The case is like those in i. 22. 1 and v. 20. 12 above; the abbreviated reading adhy has been mistaken for adhi instead of addhi, and then accented accordingly. Bp. accents also akravya॰át. Our text emends to addhy àgne akravyāt, but should read instead agne, since there is no reason whatever for the accentuation addhí. A better reading would seem also to be kravyāt. Ppp. has adhy agne kravyād; but that, of course, might mean ‘kravyāt. Ppp. also has simply aṁ for yam u in d, omits the second u, and ends with suvāmaḥ. ⌊Ppp. reads yakṣmas for dviṣmas in d. So the Ppp. reading is adhy agne kravyād aṁ yakṣmas taṁ te pra suvāmaḥ.⌋

4. If the flesh-eating Agni, or if the tiger-like, hath entered this stall (goṣṭhá), being not at home (?), him, having made him to have beans for sacrificial butter, I send far forth; let him go unto the Agnis that have seat in the waters.

Part of the mss. (E.I.O.R.T.K.) have vyāghrás in a, and that is perhaps the true reading, since -ghrya seems to be found nowhere else. Ppp. reads in b anyokā viveça, and in c tan mā-. The Anukr. takes no notice of the redundant (tám intruded?) syllable in c. In Kāuç. 71. 6 the verse is used (with vss. 7 and 53) in making a libation of crushed beans with mother-of-pearl (? çukti) to the flesh-eating fire which is to be banished. ⌊The verse contains reminiscences of 7 and 8 below.⌋

5. If angry men put thee forth (pra-kṛ), with fury, a man having died, that, O Agni, is easy to be arranged by thee; we make thee flame up again.

Ppp. reads kṛtvā for kruddhās in a, mite for mṛte in b, and ca for tat in c. The Anukr. appears to sanction the resolution cakṛ-ur in a. The verse is quoted in Kāuç. 70. 6; also in Vāit. 5. 13, to accompany the removal of fire from the householder's to the other two fires.

6. The Ādityas, the Rudras, the Vasus [have set] thee again; again, O Agni, the priest (brahmán), conductor of good; Brahmaṇaspati hath set thee again, in order to length of life-time to a hundred autumns.

With the first half-verse is to be compared that of VS. xii. 44 (also in TS. iv. 2. 35; MS. i. 7. l), which inserts sám indhatām after vásavas, and reads, for b, púnar brahmā́ṇo (Ppp. also brahmāṇo) vasunītha (MS. vasudhīte) yajñāíḥ ⌊MS. agne⌋. ⌊But see also WZKM. xi. 120.⌋ The verse (10 + 10: 10 + 11 = 41; but c has really 11 syll.) is artificially described by the Anukr. It is made in Vāit. 28. 22 to accompany the laying of fuel in the ukhya.