Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/243

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-xii. 4

35. With the sacrificial cake as calf, milking well, she draws near to him in the world; she yields (duh) to him all his desires—[namely,] the cow ⌊vaçā́⌋ to him who has presented her.

Ppp. reads, in b, loke ‘syo ’pa; and, for c, sahasmāi sarvān kāmān mahe. The Anukr. takes no notice of the irregular meter in pādas a and c. All the saṁhitā-mss. accent loké ‘smā in b; our text emends to lokè.

36. All his desires, in Yama's realm, does the cow ⌊vaçā́⌋ yield to him who has presented her; likewise they call hell the world of him who keeps her back when asked for.

The pada-text reads nárakam, and the difference of the two texts is noted in Prāt. iii. 21; iv. 90. Ppp. reads tathā for atha in c.

37. Being impregnated, the cow ⌊vaçā́⌋ goes about angry at her master: thinking me barren, let him be bound in the fetters of death.

38. And he who, thinking her barren, cooks the cow ⌊vaçā́⌋ at home (amā́)—his sons and sons' sons also does Brihaspati cause to be asked for.}}

Ppp. reads in b, for amā ca, the equivalent gṛheṣu; further, in c, d, asya svaputrān pāutrāç cātayate bṛh-. ⌊Over "at home" W. interlines "in private": see vs. 53.⌋

39. She sends down great heat, going about a cow () among kine; further, to the master who has not given her the cow (vaçā́) milks poison.

In b, apparently, 'being treated as an ordinary cow.' The 'milks' in d does not necessarily mean that she gives actual milk. Ppp. reads tato in c, for atho ha, thus rectifying the meter; the Anukr. takes no notice of the redundancy of the pāda, caused by the apparently intrusive ha.

40. It is a thing dear to the cattle that she is presented to the priests (brahmán); further, that is a thing dear to the cow ⌊vaçā́⌋, that she be an oblation to the gods.

Lit. 'among the gods' (p. deva॰trā́).

41. What cows the gods shaped out (ut-kḷp), rising up from the sacrifice, of them Nārada selected for himself the fearful viliptī́.

The root kḷp (kalpay-) with ud occurs nowhere else. In c, P.M.W.I.E.p.m.R. read viliptī́m, which would be the more normal accus. of -tī́, but the meter is against it. But the accent -tyám is entirely inadmissible; it must be emended to -tyàm; ⌊cf. JAOS. x. 379. 369⌋. What sort of a cow (vaçā́) is intended by viliptī́ (which ought to signify 'smeared over') is altogether obscure. Ppp. reads instead vilapatiṁ.

42. The gods questioned (mīmāṅs-) about her: is this a cow ⌊vaçā́⌋, or not a cow.' Of her Nārada said: she is of cows the most truly cow (vaçátama).

The more proper reading in b would seem to be ávaçā́3íti; but all the saṁhitā-mss. read ávaçé ’ti, as in our text, although the pāda gives the sign of protraction (3) also after avaçā, as it should be. But the Prāt. (i. 97) requires -çé ’ti simply: see the rules i. 97 and 105, and the notes to them. The verse (8 + 8: 7 + 10) is very ill described