Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/244

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xii. 4-
by the Anukr. Ppp. reads in a devā ’mīm-; for b, vaçe ’yāṁ ntavaçe ’ti and it omits iti at the end. ⌊For the use of the superlative in d, cf. the punning lampoon on the name of Gotama, Indische Sprüche2, 4875.⌋

43. How many, pray (), Nārada, are the cows which thou knowest, born among men (manuṣyà-)? those I ask of thee who knowest; of which may a non-Brahman not partake ()?

Ppp. reads, for c, katimā ”sāṁ bhīmatamā (like our vs. 45 c).

44. The viliptī́, O Brihaspati, and the cow ⌊vaçā́⌋ that has given birth to [such] a cow—of that one a non-Brahman who should hope for prosperity (bhū́ti) may not partake.

The translation implies at the beginning emendation to viliptī́ yā́ (as in vs. 46); the proper reading might also be viliptyàs, nom. pl.; -tyā́s seems inadmissible; Ppp. reads vilaptyā (for -ās?). Ppp. has further tāsāṁ for tasyās in c. Sūtávaçā is rendered according to the requirement of the accent; the Pet. Lexx. define as 'a cow remaining barren after the birth of one calf'; and the legends told in explanation of the name in TS. vi. 1. 36 and MS. ii. 5. 4 support that understanding. ⌊Cf. Henry's translation, p. 208, and note, p. 256.⌋ Pāda c is redundant in this verse, as are also 46 c and 43 d; the Anukr. heeds none of these cases.

45. Homage be to thee, O Nārada; [be] the cow to him who at once knows it. Which one of them is the most fearful, not having given which, one would perish?

Ppp. reads in a te ‘stu, and in b vaçām, which is easier (Ludwig translates ⌊as if the text were vaçā́ḥ⌋). In d, our text might better read ádattvā.

46. She that is viliptī́, O Brihaspati, further the cow that has given birth to [such] a cow—of that one a non-Brahman who should hope for prosperity may not partake.

Ppp. reads at the beginning viluptiṁ bṛhaspataye yā ca sū-, and in c again (as in vs. 44) tāsāṁ.

47. Three verily are the kinds of cow: the vilipti, she that has given birth to [such] a cow, the [simple] cow yagd; these one should present to the priests (brahman), [then] he falls not under the wrath of Prajapati.

Ppp. once more reads vilitptīs sū- in b; it is easier to conjecture a meaning for viluptī than for viliptī. Most of our saṁhitā-mss. accent só ‘nāv- in d; our text makes the necessary correction to . The irregularities of b and c are unnoticed in the Anukr.; ⌊or rather, it lets them balance each the other⌋.

48. This, O Brahmans, is your oblation—so, when asked ⌊therefor⌋, should he think, if they should ask of him the cow, which in the house of him who has not given her is fearful.

49. The gods talked about the cow in wrath, saying: he hath not given it to us; with these verses (ṛ́c) [they talked about] Bheda; therefore indeed he perished.