Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/245

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-xii. 5

Ppp. reads upa for pari in a, and, for b, sa no rājata heḍitā; and in c it rectifies the meter by giving bhedasya. The Anukr. does not heed the deficiency in our verse.

50. And Bheda gave her not, when asked by Indra for the cow ⌊vaçā́⌋; for that offense the gods cut him off in the contest for superiority.

Some of our mss. (Bp.E.D.K.) read etām (unaccented) in a; nearly all (not Bs.s.m.D.) accent āgasó ‘vṛçcan in d. Ppp. has at the beginning utāi ’tāṁ bh-; its second half-verse is corrupt.

51. They who, wheedling, advise (vad) to the non-giving of the cow ⌊vaçā́⌋, the villains fall under the fury of Indra through ignorance.

Ppp. combines in a vaçāyā ’dā-, and in c-d jālmā ”vṛç-.

52. They who, leading away her master, then say: do not give—they, through ignorance, go to meet the hurled missile of Rudra.

Pari yanti is rendered as if prati y-, for which it is perhaps a misreading. Ppp. reads cetasas for acittyā. Part of our mss. (Bp.R.K.) leave āhus unaccented, and all have te instead of in c.

53. If as offered (hu) and if as unoffered one cooks the cow ⌊vaçā́⌋ in private (amā́), coming into collision with the gods accompanied by the Brahmans, he goes supine (jihmá) out of the world.

All the saṁhitā-mss. curiously read in c sábrāhmaṇānn (O. -ṇāṁn) ṛtvā́; the pada-text has sá॰brāhmaṇān: ṛtvā́. ⌊For amā́, cf. vs. 38.⌋

⌊Here ends the fourth anuvāka, with 1 hymn and 53 verses. The quoted Anukr. says saptabhir ūnā tu “vaçāḥ," i.e. 'the cows[-hymn] is a [sixty] deficient by seven.'⌋

5. The Brahman's cow.

[Atharvācārya.*—sapta paryāyāḥ. brahmagavīdevatāḥ.]

⌊Partly metrical: vss. 15-17, 47-53, 55-70 are so reckoned by W. in the Index, p. 6.⌋ Found also in the main in Pāipp. xvi., but in the central parts with omissions and disorder of which the details are not given; ⌊vss. 58, 60, 64-73 are wanting⌋. Not quoted at all by Vāit., nor probably by Kāuç., since 'the two Brahman-cow hymns' mentioned in Kāuç. 48. 13 are doubtless v. 18, 19; although the comm. ⌊Dārila: cf. Keçava, p. 35120⌋ declares these ⌊v. 18, 19⌋ to constitute one of the 'two,' and xii. 5 the other. *⌊The Berlin ms. reads prāguktarṣibrahmagavīdevatāḥ: so also SPP's citation, Critical Notice, p. 21. This seems to mean that Kaçyapa is the ṛṣi; h. 4 clearly has the same "deity" as this.⌋

Translated: Muir, i2. 288 (vss. 4-15); Ludwig, p. 529 (vss. 47-73); Henry, 209, 257; Griffith, ii. 127.

[Paryāya I.—ṣaṭ. 1. prājāpatyā ’nuṣṭubh; 2. bhurik sāmny anuṣṭubh; 3. 4-p. svarāḍ uṣṇih; 4. āsury anuṣṭubh; 5. sāmnī-pan̄kti. ⌊For 6, see under that verse.⌋]

1. By toil, by penance [is she] created, acquired by bráhman, supported (çritá) on righteousness.