Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/251

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-xii. 5

61. Let Agni burn the malevolent one, slaughtered, crushed (mṛd) by thee.

Ppp. reads tayā pravṛkṇo rucitam agnir dahatu duṣkṛtam.

[Paryāya VII.dvādaçakaḥ. 62-64, 66, 68-70. prajāpatyā ’nuṣṭubh; 65. gāyatrī; 67. prājāpatyā gāyatrī; 71. āsurī pan̄kti; 72. prājāpatyā triṣṭubh; 73. āsury uṣṇih.]

62. Cut (vraçc) thou, cut off, cut up; burn thou, burn off, burn up.

63. The Brahman-scather, O divine inviolable one, do thou burn up all the way from the root.

Or 'to the root.' Bs.P.M. read mū́lān. In Ppp., ⌊vss. 62-63 are somewhat altered and⌋ the remaining vss. are wanting.

64. That he may go from Yama's seat to evil worlds, to the distances.

65. So do thou, O divine inviolable one, of the Brahman-scather that has committed offense, of the god-reviler, the ungenerous,—

66. With a thunderbolt hundred-jointed, sharp, razor-pronged,—

67. Smite forth the shoulder-bones, forth the head.

68. His hairs (lóman) do thou cut up (sam-chid); his skin strip off;—

69. His flesh cut in pieces; his sinews wrench off;—

70. His bones distress (pīḍ); his marrow smite out;—

71. All his limbs, [his] joints unloosen.

72. Let the flesh-eating Agni thrust him from the earth, burn (uṣ) up; let Vāyu [do so] from the atmosphere, the great expanse (varimán);—

73. Let the sun thrust him forth from the sky, burn him down.

The Anukr. accepts the resolution ní oṣatu.

⌊The quotations from the Old Anukr. for the seven paryāyas may here be given together: I. vacanāni ca ṣáṭ; II. pañca; III. ṣoḍaça; IV. ekādaça; V. aṣṭa ca; VI. brahmagavyām pañcadaça; VII. tasmād dvādaçakaḥ paraḥ. The sum is 73.—As is readily seen, these quotations together make an anuṣṭubh çloka; and they are printed in metrical form by SPP., vol. i., p. 21 (Critical Notice). For vacanāni, see above, p. 472⌋

⌊Here ends the fifth anuvāka, with 1 hymn (or 7 paryāyas) and 73 vacanas or vacana-avasānarcas.⌋

⌊By some mss. the book is summed up as of 4 artha-sūktas [their vss. number 231] and 7 paryāya-sūktas [73 "verses"], or as of "11 sūktas of both kinds," with a total of 304 verses.⌋

⌊The twenty-seventh prapāṭhaka ends here.⌋