Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/250

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xii. 5-

The mss. write no avasāna-mark between the two halves of the verse. Ppp. again reads āilavam. Prāt. iii. 92 notes the non-lingualization of nṛt after pari. ⌊Bloomfield discusses the vs., AJP. xi. 339 or JAOS. xv., p. xlv.⌋

49. Quickly, indeed, in his abodes do the wolves make a din.

Ppp. reads, after vāstuṣu, gan̄gānaṁ kurvate ‘pa vṛṣāt.

50. Quickly, indeed, they ask about him: what that was, is this now that?

We should expect rather kíṁ tád āsī́3t ⌊instead of yát tád etc.⌋, since without a question there is no good reason for the protracted ī. Ludwig translates as if that were the reading. O.D.R. accent ā́sī́3d, as is the rule in the Brāhmaṇas. Ppp. reads, after pṛchanti, etad āsīd ataṁ nu dā.

51. Cut thou, cut on, cut forth, scorch, burn (kṣā).

52. O daughter of An̄giras, exhaust thou the Brahman-scather, that takes to himself [the cow].

Ppp. reads ādadhānam.

53. For thou art called belonging to all the gods, witchcraft, kū́lbaja when covered.

Cf. vs. 12 above. Ppp. reads (as there noted) pūlyājām.

54. Burning (uṣ), consuming, thunderbolt of the brahman.

55. Having become a keen-edged death, run thou out.

Ppp. reads vibhāvasuḥ instead of vi dhāva tvam; the latter reading probably carries on the figure implied in kṣurapavi, which applies especially to the armed wheels of a battle-chariot.

56. Thou takest to thyself the honor of the scathers, their sacrifice and bestowal, their expectations.

Iṣṭám pūrtáṁ ca: i.e., as later, the fruits of these good works. The Anukr. would have done much better to accept the resolution ca āç-, and reckon the verse as 16 syllables.

57. Taking to thyself what is scathed for him who is scathed, thou presentest [it to him] in yonder world.

58. O inviolable one, become thou the guide of the Brahman out of imprecation.

The translation implies emendation of abhíçastyā to -tyāḥ. The verse is wanting in Ppp.

59. Become thou a weapon (mení), a shaft; become thou deadly poisonous from evil (aghá).

60. O inviolable one, smite forth the head of the Brahman-scather that has committed offense, of the god-reviler, the ungenerous.

This verse also is wanting in Ppp. ⌊Pādas b, c recur below, vs. 65.⌋