Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/249

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-xii. 5

38. When partaken of, the Brahman-cow cuts off the Brahman-scather from the world, from both this one and the one yonder.

Bp. appears to read lokā́n, and M.R.T. correspondingly -ā́ṅ ch-; O. ⌊D.Kp.⌋ have -ā́t ch-; the rest -ā́ ch-, which means -ā́c ch-, since ch and cch are equivalent and exchangeable. The metrical definition of the Anukr. is ambiguous.

[Paryāya V.—aṣṭa. 39. sāmnī pan̄kti; 40. yājuṣy anuṣṭubh; 41, 46. bhurih sāmny anuṣṭubh; 42. āsurī bṛhatī; 43. sāmnī bṛhatī; 44. pipīlikamadhyā ’nuṣṭubh; 45. ārcī bṛhatī.]

39. The slaying of her is witchcraft, her cutting up (āçásana) is a weapon (mení), the contents of her bowels a secret charm.

All of these, of course, understood as directed against the offender. Ppp. combines tasyā ”han-.

40. [She is] homelessness when hidden (? pari-hnu).

The Pet. Lexx. conjecture pari-hnu (not found elsewhere) to mean 'disavow, disown.'

41. The Brahman-cow, having become the flesh-eating Agni, entering into the Brahman-scather, eats him.

42. All his limbs, joints, roots, she cuts off (vraçc).

43. She severs (chid) his paternal connection, makes perish his maternal connection.

44. All the marriages, acquaintances of the Brahman-scather does the Brahman-cow scorch (? api-kṣā), when not given back by a Kshatriya.

Some of our mss. (O.D.T.R.) accent -dīyámānā, although part of them (O.T.R.) have accented -tríyeṇā́ ’pun-. The description of the passage (7 + 6: 8 + 10 = 31) by the Anukr. is very strange, and valueless.

45. Without abode, without home, without progeny, she makes him; he becomes without succession (?); he is destroyed:—

The translation of aparā॰paraṇá (so the pada-text) is according to the conjecture of the Pet. Lexx. The metrical definition of the Anukr. implies reading karoti ap-.

46. Whatever Kshatriya takes to himself the cow of a Brahman who knoweth thus.

[Paryāya VI.pañcadaça. 47, 49, 51-53, 57-59, 61 (?). prājāpatyā ’nuṣṭubh; 48. ārṣy anuṣṭubh; 50. sāmnī bṛhatī; 54, 55. prājāpatyo ‘ṣṇih; 56. āsurī gāyatrī; 60. gāyatrī.]

47. Quickly, indeed, at his killing the vultures make a din (āilabá).

Ppp. reads at the end kurvatāi ’lavaṁ. The text of the Anukr. seems defective here. All that is said about the nine verses of 16 syllables is as follows: ādyā skandhogrīvīs tvayā pramūrṇam ⌊vs. 61⌋ prājāpatyānuṣṭubhaḥ. All the verses not of this measure are regularly described. Ludwig translates this whole section ⌊and the next⌋, p. 529.

48. Quickly, indeed, about his place of burning dance the long-haired women, beating on the breast with the hand, making an evil din.