Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/284

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xiv. 1-

⌊The statements of the RV. Anukr. as to "deity" correspond quite closely with those just given, but with some differences: thus it says -nindā for -mocanyāu; etc. In particular, the description nṛṇāṁ vivāhamantrā āçiṣaç ca is applied by the RV. Anukr. to RV. x. 85. 20-28. All these 9 RV. verses have more or less close correspondents in AV. xiv.: they are, respectively, AV. xiv. 1. 61; 2. 33 (cf. RV. vss. 21 and 22); 1. 34; 1. 19, 18, 20, 21, 26. All this, it seems, fails to square with the parāḥ of the text of our Anukr., and reinforces Mr. Whitney's suspicion (above, p. 739) that the arrangement of the verses contemplated by that text may have been different from that which appears in the Berlin edition.—In connection with this suspicion should be considered also the fact that the Anukr. adds at the end the pratīkas iii. 30. 1, ii. 36. 1, and xx. 126. 1: see below, p. 768.⌋

⌊In the Major Anukr., moreover, a curious addition is inserted after the definition of xiv. 1. 60, as follows: (the text of its beginning is uncertain: ity? or parāviny?) edhiṣīmahīti vyāghrādiṣv avagantavyaḥ. Cf. the introduction to xi. 1 and especially the note to xv. 5. 7.⌋

1. Marriage ceremonies.

[Sāvitrī Sūryā.—ātmadāivatam (1-5. somam astāut; 6-⌊?⌋. svavivāham; 23. somārkāu; 24. candramasam;—25⌊?⌋-⌊?⌋. nṛṇāṁ vivāhamantrāçiṣah; 25, 27. vadhūvāsaḥsaṁsparçamocanyāu). ⌊As to the foregoing, see above, p. 739.⌋ ānuṣṭubham: 14. virāṭ prastārapan̄kti; 15. āstārapan̄kti; 19, 20, 23, 24, 31-33, 37, 39, 40, 45, 47, 49, 50, 53, 56, 57, [58, 59, 61]. triṣṭubh (23, 31, 45. bṛhatīgarbhā); 21, 46, 54, 64. jagati (54, 64. bhurik triṣṭubh); 29, 55. purastādbṛhatī; 34. prastārapan̄kti; 38. purobṛhatī 3-p. paroṣṇih; [48. pathyāpan̄kti;] 60. parānuṣṭubh.]

The hymn (except vss. 4, 62, which are wanting altogether, and 41, 42, which occur in other books) is found also in Pāipp. xviii., with petty differences of order, noted under the verses. A large part of the anuvāka or hymn corresponds to the wedding hymn (x. 85) in the Rig-Veda. The Vāit. does not treat the marriage ceremony, and only four or five of the verses of the book are quoted by it; but a large part of them are used in the sections (75-79) of the Kāuç. which deal with the subject.

Translated: in so far as it corresponds to RV. verses, by the RV. translators; further, the parts that are peculiar to our text, by Ludwig, p. 470; and, as AV. hymn, all of it, by Weber, Ind. Stud. v. 195-204 (see 178 ff.); Griffith, ii. 159.—-A large part of the wedding-hymn is given in my Sanskrit Reader, pages 89-90: the notes thereon (at pages 389-390) may be consulted, and also the notes at pages 398-401.

1. By truth is the earth established (ut-stabh); by the sun is the sky established; by righteousness the Ādityas stand; Soma is set (çritá) upon the sky.

The verse is RV. x. 85. 1, without variant. The pada-text also reads úttabhitā, by Prāt. iv. 62, the s being omitted by ii. 18. Kāuç. directs vss. 1 and 23 to be used in preparing the sacrificial fire, at the beginning of the chapter on the marriage-rites (75. 6: according to the comm., vss. 1-16 are meant, and 23-24); and again, near the end of the chapter (79. 16), the whole book is directed to be so used. ⌊Ppp. has satvena for satyena at the beginning.⌋ ⌊Cf. MP. i. 6. 1, and Wint., p. 66.⌋

2. By Soma are the Ādityas strong; by Soma is the earth great; likewise in the lap of these asterisms is Soma placed (ā-dhā).