Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/285

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-xiv. 1

Is RV. X. 85. 2, without variant. ⌊Cf. MP. i. 9. 2; Wint., p. 74; MGS. i. 14. 8 and p. 157.⌋

3. One thinks himself to have drunk Soma when they crush up an herb; what Soma the priests (brahmán) know, of that no earthly man partakes.

RV. (x. 85. 3) reads at the end káç caná for pā́rthivas. In b, Bs.P.M.W.T. read -piṣanti, D. -pīṣanti; Ppp. has -piçanti. The pratīka is quoted in GB. i. 2.9 ⌊printed 8⌋.

4. When, O Soma, they drink thee ⌊up⌋, then thou fillest thyself up again; Vāyu is Soma's defender; the month is norm (ā́kṛti) of the years (sámā).

RV. (x. 85. 5) reads deva for soma in a. The verse (as noted above) is wanting in Ppp.

5. Guarded by covering-arrangements, defended by watchmen (?? bárhata), O Soma, thou standest hearing the pressing-stones; no earthly one partakes of thee.

Is RV. X. 85. 4, without variant. All this talk about the moon as identical with Soma at the beginning of the Sūryā-hymn seems very meaningless unless Sūryā is really the moon, who every month "goes to" her spouse the sun.

6. Intention (cítti) was the pillow, sight was the ointment, heaven [and] earth were the coffer (kóça), when Sūryā went to her husband.

Is RV. x. 85. 7, without variant.

7. The rāíbhī was the parting [song] (?? anudéyī), the nārāçaṅsī́ was the welcoming one (? nyócanī); Sūryā's garment verily was excellent; she goes adorned with song (gā́thā).

Is RV. x. 85. 6, which reads at the end páriṣkṛtam (p. pári॰kṛtam) for páriṣkṛtā (which our p. and s. both have). The translation given ventures new conjectures for anudéyī (lit. 'to be given after') and nyócanī (lit. 'making wonted or at home'); the Pet. Lexx. say 'dowry' ⌊so BR. iii. 569, OB. i. 52: but cf. BR. i. 205 and v. 987⌋ and 'ornament'; Ludwig 'vom Hause mitgegeben' and '[ins neue Haus] einführend'; Weber, 'train' and 'hand-maid.'

8. The laudations (stóma) were the cross-pieces (?? pratidhí); meter was the kurī́ra, the opaçá; of Sūryā the Açvins were the wooers, Agni was the forerunner.

Is RV. x. 85. 8, without variant. For kurī́ra and opaçá, women's head-dresses or parts of such, compare vi. 138. In this connection the commentators' explanation of pratidhí "cross-pieces on the chariot-pole" is extremely unlikely; it must rather be some article of a woman's dress. Ppp. reads and combines paridhayaṣ k-.

9. Soma was the bride-seeker; both Açvins were wooers, when Savitar gave to her husband Sūryā, praising (çaṅs) with her mind.

Is RV. x. 85. 9, without variant, save that our pada-mss. falsely leave adadāt unaccented. 'Praising,' apparently 'assenting gladly.' Ppp. reads at end ‘dadhāt.