Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/294

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xiv. 1-
second accompanies the stepping of the bride upon it: this at the bride's home; and the same is repeated (Kāuç. 77. 17, 19) in the new home of the pair after their arrival there. Pāda a has 12 syllables, unnoticed by the Anukr.

48. Wherewith Agni grasped the right hand of this earth, therewith grasp I thy hand; do not stagger in company with me, with both progeny and riches.

The last pāda ⌊prajayā etc.⌋ is wanting in Ppp., ⌊which puts the vs. after 50⌋. The verse accompanies in Kāuç. 76. 19 the seizing of the bride's hand to lead her about the fire. The Anukr. seems to overlook the vs.; though, if the last pāda were omitted, it would fall under the general definition of the hymn, as an anuṣṭubh. ⌊As to vss. 48-51, cf. Wint., p. 48 f. For the pāṇigrahaṇa, he cites Rāmāyaṇa, i. 75 (Gorresio: or i. 73 Schlegel).⌋

49. Let god Savitar grasp thy hand; let king Soma make thee to have good offspring; let Agni, Jātavedas, make the spouse well-portioned, long-lived, for her husband.

Ppp. has this verse next after our vs. 47, by removing ⌊as noted⌋ 48 to after 50. The Anukr. takes no notice of the deficiency of two syllables in c.

50. I grasp thy hand in order to good-fortune, that with me as husband thou mayest be long-lived; Bhaga, Aryaman, Savitar, Purandhi ⌊púraṁdhi⌋—the gods have given thee to me in order to housewifeship.

The verse is RV. x. 85. 36, which varies only by reading at the beginning gṛbhṇā́mi. MB. (i. 2. 16) has precisely the RV. form of the verse; HGS. (i. 20. 1) and Āpast. (Wint., p. 49 ⌊MP. i. 3. 3⌋) read in a suprajāstvāya, and HGS. has also gṛhnāmi and (at end of b) asat. ⌊Cf. MGS. i. 10. 15 a, and p. 150.⌋ ⌊As to puraṁdhi, cf. WZKM. iii. 268; and Pischel, Ved. Stud. i. 202-216.⌋

51. Bhaga hath grasped thy hand; Savitar hath grasped thy hand; thou art [my] spouse by ordinance (dhárman), I thy house-lord.

Ppp. reads dhātā for bhagas in a, inserts te before hastam in b, and adds after b two pādas: bhagas te h. a. and aryamā te h. a., ⌊then finishing with our c, d⌋. One of the subsidiary treatises (see note to Kāuç. 76. 10) substitutes the verse for vs. 20 above (see note there).

52. Be this woman mine, bringing prosperity (pósya); Brihaspati hath given thee to me; in company with me ⌊as husband⌋ do thou live, rich in offspring, a hundred autumns.

Bp. and Bs.p.m. give in c (as does Ppp.) prajā́vatī, and I.K. prajā́vati; prajā́vatī is evidently the preferable reading; ⌊and is implied in the translation⌋. ⌊Of SPP's authorities, 4 have prajā́vatī against 6 with prajāvati (which latter he adopts): but not less than 7 have (like W's I.K.) the impossible prajā́vati, which supports both readings or neither!⌋ The verse is found also in PGS. i. 8. 19, and in a khila to RV. x. 85 (Aufrecht2, p. 682); both have prajāvatī; in a, both have dhruvāi ’dhi poṣye (RV. -ṣyā) mayi. ⌊See also MP. i. 8. 9: that also has prajā́vatī.⌋