Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/295

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-xiv. 1

53. Tvashṭar disposed (vi-dhā) the garment for beauty, by direction of Brihaspati, of the poets; therewith let Savitar and Bhaga envelop this woman, like Sūryā, with progeny.

In Kāuç. 76. 4, this verse is used with vs. 45, above ⌊which see⌋, with dressing the bride in a new garment ⌊cf. Wint., p. 47⌋; and the same is repeated in Kāuç. 79. 13 at another point in the ceremonies. The full number of syllables is to be obtained in b only by a harsh resolution. Ppp. has in c nāryaṁ ⌊cf. note to vs. 59⌋, and at the end the decidedly better reading prajāyāi.

54. Let Indra-and-Agni, heaven-and-earth, Mātariçvan, Mitra-and-Varuṇa, Bhaga, both Açvins, Brihaspati, the Maruts, the bráhman. Soma, increase this woman with progeny.

Ppp. has again nāryaṁ in d. Only a is a real jagatī pāda, even by number of syllables (and doubtless we are to read -pṛthvī́); the second definition of it in the Anukr. notices this.

55. Brihaspati first prepared (kḷp) the hairs on the head of Sūryā; with this, O Açvins, do we thoroughly adorn (çubh) this woman for her husband.

It looks as if prathamás were an intrusion in a. ⌊in c, Ppp. has for a third time nāryaṁ.⌋ In Kāuç. 79. 14 the verse is made to accompany the parting of the bride's hair with a blade of darbha-grass; according to the paddhati, this verse and the next are used together for the purpose.

56. This [is] that form in which the young woman (yóṣā) dressed herself; I desire to know with [my] mind the wife (jāyá) moving about; I will go after her with nine-fold (? návagva) comrades: who, knowing, unloosened (vi-cṛt) these fetters?

This obscure verse gets no light from Ppp., the other texts, or the sūtras. The pada-text reads in c ánu: artiṣye; doubtless it is only a contraction for ánu vartiṣye.

57. I loosen (vi-sā) in me the form of her; he verily shall know, seeing the nest of mind; I eat not stolenly; I was freed (ud-muc) by mind, myself untying (çrath) the fetters of Varuṇa.

Ppp. reads at the end pāçam. This verse and doubtless the next (its pratīka, which is pra tvā muñcāmi, would also designate vs. 19 above) are used, with vii. 78. 1, by Vāit. 4. 11, to accompany the ungirding of the sacrificer's wife. Both are used also by Kāuç. 76. 28 with the ungirding of the bride.

58. I release thee from Varuṇa's fetter, with which the very propitious Savitar bound thee; wide space (loká), an easy road here, do I make for thee, O bride (vadhū́), with thy husband.

The first half-verse is identical with vs. 19 a, b, and corresponds with RV. x. 85. 24 a, b (which reads at end suçévaḥ). Ppp. reads for a-b imāṁ vi ṣyāmi varuṇasya pāçaṁ tena tvā etc.; ⌊cf. the TS. version of our 19 a⌋. ⌊As noted under vs. 19, Ppp. makes our 58 c, d change place with our 19 c, d, reading, however, sūgam itra for our sugám átra and sahapatnī vadhūḥ for our sahápatnyāi vadhu.⌋ Vss. 58, 59, 61