Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/366

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xviii. 1-

30. A god, encompassing the gods with right, carry thou first our offering, understanding [it]; smoke-bannered by the fuel, light-beaming, a pleasant, constant hótṛ, skilled sacrificer with speech.

The verse is RV. x. 12. 2, without variant. The majority of SPP's mss., with one of ours (Op.), read bhā́rcīko in c. Neither our Anukr. nor that of the RV. notes the deficiency of a syllable in a.

31. I praise (arc) your (du.) work unto increase, ye ghee-surfaced ones; O heaven-and-earth, hear me, ye two firmaments (ródasī); when days, O gods, went to the other life (ásunīti), let the two parents (pitárā) sharpen us here with honey.

The rendering is only mechanical, the obscurity of the verse being unresolved. It is RV. x. 12. 4, which, however, reads for c áhā yád dyā́vó ‘sunītim áyan. Our mss. and the authorities of SPP. vary in c between devā́s, dévās, and devās; SPP. reads devā́s, with ⌊at least⌋ two of his; our dévās is not defensible; the translation implies devās. The comm. makes the word the subject of ā́yan, taking áhā (p. áhā) as for ahaḥsu; he explains devās by stotāras or ṛtvijas. Our Bp. is the only pada-ms. that reads (with the RV. pada) ápaḥ in a; the others have ā́paḥ; but, as the comm. gives the former, SPP. adopts it in his text. A majority of SPP's mss. accent ghṛtásnū, but only one of ours (O.) does so.

32. If the god's immortality (amṛ́ta) is easy to appropriate for the cow, thence those who are born maintain themselves on the broad [earth]; all the gods go after that sacrificial formula of thine, when the hind yields (duh) the ghee, heavenly liquor (vā́r).

The verse is RV. x. 12. 3, without variant. It is all extremely obscure, especially the first pāda, which admits of being rendered in half-a-dozen different ways; the translation given is purely tentative. The comm. gives little help. The pada-text does not divide or otherwise change svā́vṛk, which indicates that its makers did not see in the word the formation su-ā-vṛj, which is plausibly seen in it by western scholars and by our comm. The latter takes urvī́ (p. urvī́ íti) as dual, but in the Prāt. it is quoted by the comment (to i. 74) as example of a locative in ī, which it doubtless is. Our comm. derives yájus first from root yuj and makes it = karman; devās is again, as above (vs. 31), stotāras, ṛtvijas. ⌊With the expression divyáṁ vā́ḥ, applied to ghee, compare the expression at x. 4. 3, vā́r ugrám, applied to snake-venom, which may well be called a 'terrible fluid': but see note to x. 4. 3.⌋

33. Why forsooth hath the king seized (grah) us? what have we done in transgression of (áti) his ordinance (vratá)? who discerns [it]? for even Mitra, swerving the gods, like a song of praise (çlóka), is the might also of them that go.

The verse is RV. x. 12. 5, without variant. The second half-verse, especially the last pāda, is bafflingly obscure. The accent of ásti, as well as the absence of other construction for mitrás, strongly indicates that the whole of the second half-verse forms one sentence; in which case vā́jas is perhaps most probably a corruption. The comm. understands rā́jā in a as Yama, and jagṛhe as signifying his "acceptance" of offerings—which is very ill guessed; doubtless it is Varuṇa (so Ludwig; the RV. comm. makes it