Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/367

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-xviii. 1
Agni). He then renders juhurāṇás most absurdly by āhvayan, ⌊saying that "the root hvṛ 'crook' is here used in the sense of root 'call'"⌋. He reads in d (as do some of the mss., including our O.Op.R.) yātān, as accus. of the pple yāta, qualifying devān understood, rendering devān abhigacchato no ‘smān rakṣitum! and so on. The version of the line given above is of course mechanical only.

34. Hard to reverence (? durmántu) here is the name of the immortal, that she of like sign should become of diverse form; whoso shall reverence Yama with proper reverence (? sumántu), him, O Agni, exalted one, do thou protect, unremitting.

This verse is found also as RV. x. 12. 6, without variant, but the RV. comm. passes it without notice, as if recognizing it as not genuine. It is very strange to find repeated here as b vs. 2 b, above, as the connection this time does not explain the feminine words in it. The comm. first explains (like Grassmann) the pāda as quoted from the other verse; but goes on to add other interpretations. He defines durmántu by durmananaṁ durvacam.

35. In whom the gods revel at the council, maintain themselves in Vivasvant's seat—they placed light in the sun, rays in the moon: the two, unfailing, wait upon (pari-car) the brightness (dyotaní).

The verse is x. 12. 7, without variant. The comm. separates yásmin from vidáthe, supplying agnāu for the former to qualify (the RV. comm. does the same); perhaps rather manmani is to be inferred from the following verse. ⌊W. suggests by a note to his ms. as an alternative for a, 'In what council the gods revel.'⌋ Our comm. also explains, in d, dyotaním by dyotamānam agnim, and it reads ajasram, understanding it adverbially; aktūn in c is either raçmīn or rātrīs. ⌊This vs. and the next are discussed by Foy, KZ. xxxiv. 228.⌋

36. In what secret (apīcyà) devotion (mánman) the gods go about (sam-car)—we know it not; may Mitra, may Aditi, may god Savitar declare us here guiltless to Varuṇa.

The verse is RV. x. 12. 8, without variant. Our comm. explains mánmani by mantavye sthāne varuṇākhye.

37. O companions, we would supplicate (ā-ças) worship (bráhman) for Indra, possessor of the thunderbolt, to praise, indeed, the most manly, the daring.

The verse is RV. viii. 24. 1 (also SV. i. 390), which reads in a çiṣāmahi (SV. -he), and inserts in c vas after ū ṣú, as required by the meter. The comm's text (but not his exposition) also has the vas. Our Anukr. takes no notice of the lack of a syllable in the pāda. The comm. explains ā́ çiṣāmahe by āçāsmahe, and supplies kartum; he renders stuṣé by either stāumi or stotum. The particles ū ṣú are included in the prescriptions of Prāt. ii. 97; iii. 4; iv. 98. ⌊Weber, Sb. 1895, p. 819 n., can assign no reason why vss. 37-38 should appear here.⌋

38. For thou art famed for might (çávas), for Vritra-slaying, a Vritra-slayer; thou out-bestowest the bounteous with thy bounties, O hero.

The verse is RV. viii. 24. 2, and without variant, if, with SPP., we read çrutás at end of a. Our text has çritás, with a part of the mss.; they vary between çrutás (our