Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/433

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-xviii. 4
mss. (including our M.O.Op.R.K.D.) read ávā ’priyā́ṅ (p. áva: apriyā́n), and this is perhaps the true Atharvan text (though the accent, in that case, should be ávā́ ’priyān), and defensible on the ground of sense; our last pāda is nothing but a senseless corruption. In Kāuç. (88. 27) the verse is used, next after vss. 81 ff.,* in the piṇḍapitṛyajña, with the direction ity uttarasicam avadhūya; the comm. paraphrases this to mean that one is to perform an additional sprinkling (? uttarapariṣeka) next after the worship (upasthāna) of the piṇḍas. For the application of the verse to the Fathers, compare TB. ii. 6. 32, ákṣan pitáraḥ: ámīmadanta pitáraḥ, etc.; ⌊also Sāyaṇa's comm. on TS. i. 8. 52, Poona ed., p. 1159⌋. *⌊It is to be noted that in the piṇḍapitṛyajña of the VS. (ii. 31), amīmadanta pitaraḥ etc. comes just before the verses corresponding to our vss. 81-85.⌋ ⌊ÇGS., i. 15, prescribes the RV. verse for use when the bride greases the axle of the wedding-car: is this because of the resemblance of akṣam ('axle') to akṣan (root ghas)?!⌋ ⌊See p. lxxix.⌋

62. Come ye, O Fathers, delectable, by profound roads that the Fathers travel, assigning to us lifetime and progeny; and do ye attach yourselves to us with abundances of wealth.

The last pāda was found above as ix. 4. 24 d. Corresponding verses are found in HGS. ii. 10. 5 and MB. ii. 3. 5. For a, b, MB. reads eta pitaraḥ somyāso gambhīrebhiḥ pathibhiḥ pūrviṇebhiḥ; and as second half-verse it has our 3. 14 c, d. HGS. has ā yāta pitaraḥ somyā gambhīraḥ (misprint for -rāiḥ?) pathibhiḥ pūrvyāiḥ, with an altogether different c, d. We should prefer somyāsas unaccented, both in this verse and in the next, but no ms. so reads. The comm. has in c dadhata, which he pronounces the same as dhatta. In Kāuç., in the pitṛnidhana ceremony, the verse accompanies (83. 27) the bringing of the bone-relics, before sunset ⌊into the hut: Keç.⌋; and it is followed (83. 28, 29) by 1. 52 and 2. 29; then, in the piṇḍapitṛyajña (87. 28), the three are repeated; the comm. notices only the latter use, stating that with this verse one is to scatter sesame on the barhis spread for the purpose of giving the piṇḍas. In number of syllables, the verse answers to the description of the Anukr. (9+ 10: 11 + 11 = 41). ⌊The MB. reading makes a rectification of the meter at the beginning of b.⌋

63. Go away, O Fathers, delectable, by profound roads that go to the stronghold (pūryā́ṇa); then, in a month, come ye again to our houses to eat the oblation, with good progeny, with good heroes.

All the pada-mss. commit the strange blunder of dividing ā́yāta in c into ā́: ayāta; both editions make the necessary correction; the comm. also understands ā yāta. In d, some of the mss. make great difficulty over áttum, reading also ⌊annum,⌋, atnum, antum, atnūn, and the comm. gives as a compound haviratnūn; but our O.R.D., and the majority of SPP's authorities, have the correct reading; as does also HGS. in its corresponding verse ⌊ii. 13. 2⌋. HGS. ⌊spoils the meter of a by modernizing somyā́sas to⌋ somyās; reads in b pūrvyāis; ⌊and begins c with atha⌋. The first half-verse occurs also in MS. i. 10. 3 and AÇS. ii. 7. 9. MS. makes nearly good meter of it, reading páre ’tana pitaraḥ somyāso gambhīrébhiḥ pathíbhiḥ pūrvébhiḥ (which should evidently be emended to pūrvyébhis); AÇS. differs from this only by having at the end pūrviṇebhis (with K. and Kap.S., as pointed out by Schröder). Prāt. iii. 83 quotes the word pūryāṇa. Kaug. uses the verse in the piṇḍapitṛyajña (88. 28), next after vs. 61, in dismissing the Fathers after their feast of piṇḍas. The metrical description of the Anukr. is very poor: ⌊it is probable that the verse originally was 11 + 11: 12 + 11; but its b is spoiled metrically⌋.