Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/434

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xviii. 4-

64. What one limb of you Agni Jātavedas left when making you go to the Fathers' world, that same for you I fill up again; revel ye, O Fathers, in heaven (svargá) with [all] your limbs.

HGS. has (in ii. 11. 1) an analogous but quite different verse: yad vaḥ kravyād an̄gam adahal lokān ayam praṇayañ jātavedāḥ: tad vo ’ham punar ā veçayāmy ariṣṭāḥ sarvāir an̄gāiḥ sam bhavata pitaraḥ. Most of our mss. (all except O.Op.R.), but, by his account, only one of SPP's, leave ajahāt in a unaccented; on the other hand, all without exception accent in d pitáras, which SPP. accordingly admits into his text; but our emendation to pitáras is plainly necessary. What the comm. says is here unknown, because the manuscript shows a considerable lacuna, involving the latter half of the explanation of this verse, with the text of the next and the larger part of its exposition. Kāuç. uses the verse (88. 5) in the piṇḍapitṛyajña, next after vss. 74, 78, to accompany an offering of rice-grains with the stirring-stick (sāyavana ⌊that is, sa-āyavana: SPP's saṁyavana, p. 2334, does not seem right⌋). ⌊As to completeness of limbs in the other world, see my note to 4. 12, above. This verse was translated metrically by Whitney, O. and L.S., i. 57.⌋

65. Jātavedas has been the messenger sent forth, at evening, at close of day to be honored by men;—thou hast given to the Fathers; they have eaten after their wont; eat thou, O god, the presented oblations.

We had the second half-verse above as 3. 42 c, d. Part of our mss. (O.Op.R.D.), with, so far as appears, the majority of SPP's, read in b upavándyas, and the latter accordingly adopts it in his text; the root vand does not appear to be anywhere else combined with upa. The line reads like a kind of echo of RV. iv. 54. i ⌊TB. iii. 7. 134⌋. The verse is the last one quoted in the piṇḍapitṛyajña by Kāuç. (89. 14), to accompany the withdrawal of the "extended" fires. ⌊By "extended" I suppose W. means the technical praṇīta (cf. comm., p. 2336). The words of Kāuç. are agnim pratyānayati: the ceremony seems to be the same as that prescribed by ÇB. at ii. 4. 224, punar ulmukam api sṛjati, and by ÇÇS. at iv. 5. 9, ulmukam agnāu kṛtvā.⌋

66. Thou yonder, ho! hither thy mind! as sisters (jāmí) a kákutsala, do thou cover him, O earth.

The translation implies the evidently necessary emendation to ásāu in a; both editions give asāú, because this is read by all the mss.; the comm. understands the word as a vocative; it also reads the interjection as , while the pada-text gives hāí. It further glosses jāmayas ⌊alternatively⌋ with bhaginyas, and reads kakutsthalam, explaining it as pradhānāvayavapradeçam, and paraphrasing with putrādīnāṁ çiraḥprabhṛtīny an̄gāni çītātapavātanivāraṇāya. The Pet. Lexx. conjecture kakutsala to be a pet word for a little child. We had the third pāda above as 2. 50 d, 51 d, and 3. 50 d. Kāuç. uses the verse (86. 10) with 2. 50 and 3. 49 in the ceremony over the bone-relics. The comm. includes with it vs. 67.

67. Let the worlds where the Fathers sit adorn themselves (çumbh); I make thee to sit in the world where the Fathers sit.

The first phrase is VS. v. 26 f, which, however, reads çúndhantām; Āp. vii. 9. 10 has çundhatāṁ lokaḥ pitṛṣadanaḥ. ⌊For variants as between çundh and çumbh, cf. notes to vi. 115. 3; xii. 2. 40; 3. 13, 21, 26; xviii. 3. 56.⌋