Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/448

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xix. 6-
àkrāmat sāçanānaçané abhí; VS. agrees with this throughout; ⌊and so does KaṭhaB., except that it has bhū́mim for víṣvan̄⌋; TA. differs only by reading in b ’hā́ ”bhavāt ⌊i.e. ’há: ā́: bhavāt?⌋ (doubtless, however, a misprint); ⌊but ā́bhavāt is read by both Calc. and Poona ed's in the text; while both ed's have ābhavat in the comm.⌋; SV. differs (and agrees with AV.) by táthā in c and açan- in d. The comm. has in a ā ’rohat, and in b (with RV. etc.) pā́do ‘sya; two or three of SPP's authorities agree with the comm. in both points. The pada-mss. give in b pā́dasya; ⌊but SPP. accepts pā́t: asya in his pada-text⌋. No saṁhitā-ms. has víṣvan̄n̄ a-, and accordingly SPP., against all rule and usage, admits víṣvan̄ a- in his text; but he accents açanānaçané with us, though almost all the mss. have açanā́naçané. The comm. gives an absurd array of discordant explanations of this compound: açanā is "men, animals, etc.," and anaçanā "gods, trees, etc."; then (adhyātmapakṣe), the two are "the immovable and movable creation," or else "the intelligent (cetana) and unintelligent creation."

3. So many are his greatnesses; and Purusha is superior (jyā́jān) to that; a foot of him is all beings (bhūtá); three feet of him are what is immortal in the sky.

⌊RV. x. 90. 3; VS. xxxi. 3; SV. i. 621; TA. iii. 12. 1; ChU. iii. 12. 6.⌋ RV. reads in a, b: etā́vān asya mahimā́ ’to jy-; VS.TA. agree with RV. (but TA. ⌊in the Calc. ed. only⌋ shortens the ū of pū́ruṣaḥ in b). ⌊SV. makes up its vss. 620 and 621 thus: 620 = RV. 2 a, b (our 4 a, b) + RV. 3 c, d (our 3 c, d); 621 = RV. 3 a, b (our 3 a, b) + RV. 2 c, d (our 4 c, d); that is, between the two halves of our vs. 4, it interjects the two halves of our vs. 3 in inverted order.⌋ SV. has for our a, b, tā́vān asya mahimā́ táto jy- etc.; and, for the víçvā of our c, it has sárvā; ⌊and so has KaṭhaB.⌋. Ppp. omits asya in a and has pād asya in c. 'Foot,' of course, in this and in the next verse, = 'quarter.' ⌊ChU. agrees with SV., except that it does not dislocate the two halves of our vs. As to the vs. in ChU., cf. Böhtlingk, Berichte der säcks. Gesell., July 10, 1897, p. 82; in his edition, he emends the vs. to conformity with the RV. readings.⌋

4. Purusha is just this all, what is and what is to be; also [is he] lord (īçvará) of immortality, which was together with another.

⌊RV. X. 90. 2; VS. xxxi. 2; SV. i. 620; TA. iii. 12. 1.⌋ The wholly obscure last pāda is doubtless a mere corruption, all the other texts reading instead yád ánnenā ’tiróhati (which is itself obscure enough). In c, all of them give ī́çānas; and in b, RV.TA. ⌊and Ppp. and KaṭhaB.⌋ have bhávyam, SV. bhā́vyam, VS. bhāvyàm; this last should be the reading of our text also, as all the mss. have it; ⌊rather: all of W's and seven of SPP's ten authorities;⌋ SPP. accepts it; the comm. has bhavyam, and, in d, annena. Some of the mss. accent ányena; ⌊that is, they have the spelling of anyéna and the accent of ánnena⌋. ⌊Pāda b is nearly = xiii. 1. 54 d.⌋

5. When they separated (vi-dhā) Purusha, in how many parts did they distribute (vi-kḷp) him? what was his face? what his (two) arms? what are called his (two) thighs [and] feet?

⌊RV. x. 90. 11; VS. xxxi. 10; TA. iii. 12. 5.⌋ The mss. vary between vyádadhus and vy àdadhus; the pada-mss., between ví: ad- and ví: ád-: the latter is (without any good reason: cf. my Skt. Gr.2 §1084 a) ⌊and note to xviii. 1. 39⌋ the reading of the RV pada-text. ⌊In b, KaṭhaB. has enam for our .⌋ In c, d, VS. agrees with our text, save that it wantonly defaces the meter by intruding an unnecessary āsīt after asya;