Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/449

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-xix. 6
RV.TA. have for kím (except the first time) kāú; and RV. combines kā́ ū- and pā́dā uc- ⌊AV. and RV. pada-texts, pā́dāu⌋, while TA. has kā́v and pā́dāv; Ppp. has pādāv ucyate: cf. Prāt. ii. 22 and note; ⌊also my Noun-Inflection, p. 341⌋. ⌊KaṭhaB. agrees with VS. in showing the intrusive āsīt, and with Ppp. in reading the ungrammatical ucyate.⌋

6. The Brahman was his face; the Kshatriya (rājanyà) became his (two) arms; the Vāiçya [was] his middle; from his (two) feet was born the Çūdra.

⌊RV. x. 90. 12; VS. xxxi. 11; TA. iii. 12. 5.⌋ The other three texts read in b rājanyàḥ kṛtáḥ, and in c ūrū́ (for mádhyam).

7. The moon [is] born from his mind; from his eye the sun was born; from his mouth both Indra and Agni; from his breath Vāyu was born.

⌊RV. x. 90. 13; VS. xxxi. 12; TA. iii. 12. 6.⌋ RV.TA. have no variant from our text; VS. reads for the second line çrótrād vāyúç ca prāṇáç ca múkhād agnír ajāyata. ⌊KaṭhaB. has for b the much better cákṣuṣor ádhi sū́ryaḥ (avoiding the undesirable cákṣos: see Noun-Inflection, p. 569 top, p. 410 top); and in c, d it agrees with VS., except that it substitutes násor for çrótrad.⌋

8. From his navel was the atmosphere; from his head the sky came into being (sam-vṛt); from his (two) feet the earth, the quarters from his ear (çrótra): so shaped they the worlds.

⌊RV. x. 90. 14; VS. xxxi. 13; TA. iii. 12. 6.⌋ The three other texts agree with ours throughout.

9. Virāj in the beginning came into being (sam-bhū); out of Virāj, Purusha; it, when born, exceeded the earth behind, also in front.

⌊RV. x. 90. 5; VS. xxxi. 5; SV. i. 622; TA. iii. 12. 2.⌋ RV.TA. read, for a, tásmād virā́ḍ ajāyata; SV.VS. ⌊and KaṭhaB. read⌋ the same, save tátas for tásmāt. Ppp. reads in b pāuruṣāt, and in d purā. ⌊For puraḥ in the Berlin ed., read puráḥ.⌋

10. When, with Purusha as oblation, the gods extended the sacrifice, spring was its sacrificial butter, summer its fuel, autumn its oblation.

⌊RV. x. 90. 6; VS. xxxi. 14; TA. iii. 12. 3.⌋ ⌊The first half-verse is our vii. 5. 4 a, b, where, however, devā́s follows yajñám.⌋ Of the other three texts, the only variant is vasantò ‘sy- in VS.

11. They sprinkled with the early rain (prāvṛ́ṣ) that sacrifice, Purusha, born in the beginning; therewith the gods sacrificed, the Perfectibles (sādhyá) and they that are Vasus.

⌊RV. x. 90. 7; VS. xxxi. 9; TA. iii. 12. 3.⌋ The other three texts agree in reading in a barhíṣi (for prāvṛ́ṣā), in b agratás, in d ṛ́ṣayas (for vásavas). Ppp. has in d sādhyā ca. One or two of our mss. give agratás (like RV. etc.); about half SPP's authorities accent áyajanta ⌊as does also TA.⌋.

12. From that were born horses, and whatever [animals] have teeth in both jaws; kine were born from that; from that [are] born goats and sheep.