Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/60

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viii. 10

31. Should he not reject [it], he should reject [it] by [thinking]: with the mind I reject thee.

32. In that he rejects [it], he thus rejects poison.

33. Poison is poured out after the unfriendly foe of him who knoweth thus.

⌊The quotations from the Old Anukr. for the paryāya-sūkta are given piecemeal at the end of each paryāya. For brevity they may here be given together: I. trayodaça; II. daça; III. aṣṭāu ca; IV. tataḥ ṣoḍça; V. ṣoḍaça; VI. catuṣkas.⌋

⌊SPP., "Critical Notice," vol. i., p. 19, prints them in full in their metrical form:

trayodaça daçā ’ṣṭāu ca tataḥ ṣoḍaça ṣoḍaça:
virāḍvāyāṁ catuṣkas tu; ṣaṭ paryāyās tu niçcitāḥ;

'In the [hymn beginning] "virāḍ vā" (vāi), [the last paryāya is] one of four [avasāna-rcas]; while the paryāyas count six.']

[The summations of gaṇas and (gaṇa-)avasāna-rcas are as follows: I. g., 6; av., 13; II. av., 10; III. g., 4; av., 8; IV. g-., 4; av., 16; V. av., 4; av., 16; VI. av., 4.—Total of av., 67.⌋

⌊Here ends the fifth anuvāka, with 2 hymns and 59 verses: that is 1 artha-sūkta of 26 verses and 1 paryāya-sūkta with 6 paryāyas and 33 verses.⌋

⌊Some mss. sum up the hymns and verses correctly. Thus D. reckons 30 sūktas (that is 24 of the decad-divisions of our hymns 1-9, plus 6 paryāya-sūktas of our h. 10) with 226 verses (i.e. in our hymns 1-9) plus 67 avasāna-rcas. Similarly ms. l. makes 30 hymns; but 259 verses (i.e. 226, plus the 33 of our h. 10).⌋

⌊Here ends the nineteenth prapāṭhaka.⌋