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Book IX.

⌊This ninth book is the second of the second grand division of the Atharvan collection. For a general statement as to the make-up of the books of this division, see page 471. The Old Anukramaṇī describes the length of hymns 1, 3, and 5 by stating in each case the excess over 20 verses—perhaps assuming 20 as the normal length. The whole book has been translated by Victor Henry, Les livres VIII et IX de l'Atharva-véda traduits et commentés, Paris, 1894. The bhāṣya is lacking for this book.⌋

Paryāya-hymns: for details respecting them, see pages 471-2. The paryāya-hymns of this book are hymn 6 (with 6 paryāyas) and hymn 7 (with 1 paryāya).⌋

⌊The anuvāka-division of the book (as is explained on page 472 also) is into five anuvākas of two hymns each. The "decad"-division likewise is as described on page 472. A tabular conspectus for book ix. follows:

Anuvākas 1 2 3 4 5
Hymns 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Verses 24 25 31 24 38 62¶ 26¶ 22 22 28
Decad-div. 10+14 10+10+5 10+10+11 10+14 10+10+10+8 6P 1P 10+12 10+12 10+10+8

Here ¶ means "paragraph of a paryāya" (such as is numbered as a "verse" in the Berlin edition) and P means "paryāya." The last line shows the "decad"-division. These divisions are shown also in both editions. Of these "decads," anuvākas 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 contain respectively 5, 5, 4, 2, and 5 (in all, 21 "decads"); while anuvākas 3 and 4 have respectively 6 paryāyas and 1. The sum is 21 "decad"-sūktas and 7 paryāya-sūktas or 28 sūktas.⌋

1. To the honey-whip etc.

[Atharvan.—caturviṅçarcam. madhudevatyam; āçvinam. trāiṣṭubham: 2. triṣṭubgarbhā pan̄kti; 3. parānuṣṭubh; 6, 7. mahābṛhatī (6. atiçākvaragarbhā; 7. atijāgatagarbhā); 8. bṛhatīgarbhā saṁstārapan̄kti; 9. parābṛhatī prastārapan̄kti; 10. paroṣṇih pan̄hti; 11-13, 15, 16, 18, 19. anuṣṭubh; 14. purauṣṇih; 17. upariṣṭāvirāḍ bṛhatī; 20. bhurig viṣṭārapan̄kti; 21. 1-av. 2-p. ārcy anuṣṭubh; 22. 3-p. brāhmī purauṣṇih; 23. 2-p. ārcī pan̄kti; 24. 3-av. 6-p. aṣṭi.]

⌊Partly prose—14 a and 21 to the end.⌋ Found also ⌊with vs. 3 before 2, vs. 7 before 6, and vs. 18 before 16⌋ in Pāipp. xvi.; ⌊but according to a note in W's Collation-book, vss. 1-24 occur in Pāipp. at folios 226 a, 108 a, 69 b, i.e. in several different