Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/63

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-ix. 1

6. Who knows (pra-vid) that, who understands (cit) that which [is] the unexhausted soma-holding vessel of the heart of it? The priest (brahmán) of excellent wisdom—he may revel in it.

'Of it' (b) is fem., and so relates to the 'honey-whip'; 'in it,' at the end, relates to the 'vessel.' Akṣitas (Ppp. akṣatas) at the end of b is plainly an intrusive addition to the pāda; the Anukr., wrongly reckoning the initial a of asyās as unelided, counts 15 syllables in the pāda, and calls both this and the next verse by the unusual and indefinite name mahābṛhatī.

7. He knows those two, he understands them that [are] its two unexhausted, thousand-streaming breasts; they milk out refreshment (ū́rj), unresisting.

'Its,' i.e. of the 'honey-whip.' Ppp. reads again akṣatāu in b, and it puts this verse before our vs. 6.

8. She that, crying much, great, vigor-bestowing, loud-noised, goes unto her course (? vratá), bellowing at three gharmás—she lows a lowing, she abounds () with milk (páyas).

'Crying loudly,' lit. 'making to excess the sound hing'; 'abounds with milk,' perhaps rather 'gives milk in streams.' The verse is very obscure; it is in part identical with 10. 6 below (= RV. i. 164. 28). Its irregular meter (11 + 10 [11?]: 9 + 11 = 41 syllables) is very ill defined by the Anukr. ⌊which seems to scan as 11 + 9: 9 + 11⌋.

9. Whom, when fattened, the waters wait upon, the mighty (çākvará) bulls that are self-ruling, they rain, they cause to rain, for him who knows this, his desire, refreshment, waters.

'Whom' is fem.; 'they' (c) is masc, = the bulls. Parts of this verse and the following one are lost in Ppp. The Anukr. ⌊seems to scan as 11 + 11: 9 + 9⌋.

10. Thunder [is] thy voice, O Prajāpati; a bull, thou castest (kṣip) vehemence (? çúṣma) over the earth; verily from fire, from wind was born the honey-whip, the formidable daughter of the Maruts.

The latter half-verse we had above, as 3 c, d; the former half-verse is repeated below, as 20 a, b ⌊with diví for ádhi at the end⌋. ⌊Bloomfield thinks çuṣma is 'lightning': ZDMG. xlviii. 566.⌋ O. reads at the beginning stanayitnúṣ ṭe. The metrical description of the Anukr. means only that the syllables are 40 in all (10 + 12: 11 + 7), and that one pāda contains seven.

11. As at the early pressing soma is loved (priyá) of the Açvins, so, O Açvins, let splendor be maintained in my self.

12. As at the second pressing soma is loved of Indra-and-Agni, so, O Indra-and-Agni, let splendor be maintained in my self.

13. As at the third pressing soma is loved of the Ṛibhus, so, O Ṛibhus, let splendor be maintained in my self.

This group of three verses is specially quoted at Vāit. 21. 7 to accompany an offering of ājya. It is one of the passages forming the varcasya gaṇa (see note to Kāuç. 13. 1);