Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/64

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ix. 1-
and at Kāuç. 139. 15 it is prescribed to be used, with many others, in the ceremony of initiation of a Vedic student. The verses are not metrical, though the Anukr. calls them anuṣṭubh (as having 31 and 32 syllables). In 12 a the accent-mark under ye has dropped out.

14. May I generate honey; may I win honey; rich in milk, O Agni, have I come; unite me here with splendor.

The second part of the verse we have had above as vii. 89. 1 c, d. The edition reads, with all the mss., vaṅçiṣīya, but it should be emended to vaṅsiṣīya (root van); cf. the similar misreading at xvi. 9. 4. Ppp. reads madhu janiṣī manu mambikīyah; and it combines agnā "gamaṁ. By reckoning the first part of the passage as metrical (which it is not) the Anukr. counts out a good purauṣṇih.

15. Unite me, O Agni, with splendor, with progeny, with life-time; may the gods know me as such; may Indra know, together with the seers.

We had the verse above, as vii. 89. 2.

16. As the honey-makers bring together honey upon honey, so, O Açvins, let splendor be maintained in my self.

Ppp. reads, for the second half-verse, evā me 'çvinā balam ojaç ca dhriyatām: cf. our 17 c, d. The line is, like the corresponding parts of 11-13, not metrical as it stands.

17. As the flies (mákṣā) smear down here honey upon honey, so, O Açvins, let my splendor, brilliancy, strength, and force be maintained.

In a, delete the superfluous accent-mark under dhu. Ppp. has quite another version of a, b: yathā makṣā mayuntyujaṁ dakṣiṇām adhi: and it omits balam ojas in d. The omission of any one of the three nouns in our d would rectify the meter.

18. What honey on hills (girí), on mountains, what in kine, in horses, in strong drink (súrā) as poured out, what honey [is] there, [be] that in me.

With this verse and the next are to be compared vi. 69. 1, 2 ⌊where the use by Vāit. is given⌋. Ppp. has only yadi giriṣyavipāṁ citviṣī in place of this verse, and puts it before our 16.

19. O ye Açvins, lords of beauty! anoint me with the honey of bees (sāraghá), that I may speak splendid words among the people.

This verse differs only by one word from vi. 69. 2.

20. Thunder [is] thy voice, O Prajāpati; a bull, thou castest vehemence on the earth, on the sky; upon that live all cattle; with this it lavishes (pṛ) food (íṣ) [and] refreshment.

The first half-verse is the same with 10 a, b, saving diví for ádhi at the end. 'That' in c is fem. (tā́m), and might refer either to 'voice' or to 'earth'; 'this' is masc. (or neut., téna), and might refer either to 'vehemence' or to 'sky'; while 'it' is again fem. The obscurity of the verse baffles interpretation. The Pet. Lex. suggests 'seed' as a possible rendering of çúṣma ('vehemence'). The metrical description of the