Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/69

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-ix. 3

22. How many the humble-bees (bhṛ́n̄ga), the bats, the kurū́nus; how many have been the vághās, the tree-creepers—to them art thou etc. etc.

The verse is a jagatī in number of syllables (12 + 13: 12 + 11 = 48). Bp. accents jatváḥ in a.

23. Superior art thou to him that winks, that stands; superior to the ocean art thou, O Kāma, fury—to them art thou etc. etc.

24. Verily no wind soever attains (āp) Kāma, not fire, sun, also not moon; to them art thou etc. etc.

Ppp. puts this verse before our 20, and reads for c, d na vāpaç carta kāmam āpur nā ’horātrāṇi nihatāni yaṅtī na vāi puṇyajāç ⌊intending puṇyajanāç?cana kāmam āpur na gandharvāpsaraso na sarpāḥ. The Anukr. accounts the verse simply a triṣṭubh ⌊perhaps counting b as 10 and balancing it with the 12 of c⌋.

25. What propitious excellent bodies thou hast, O Kāma, with which what thou choosest becometh real, with them do thou enter wholly into us; make evil devices (dhī́) enter away elsewhere.

The combination tā́bhiṣ ṭvám is an example under Prāt. ii. 84, and is quoted in the commentary there. Ppp. reads vṛṇīte at end of b, upa- for abhi- in c, and upa for apa in d. The Anukr. pays no heed to the extra syllable in d. The verse is quoted in Kāuç. 24. 29 in the āgrahāyaṇī ceremony, to accompany the act of lying down (apparently merely on account of the occurrence of -saṁ-viç in c).

⌊The quoted Anukr. here says kāmasūktaḥ.⌋

⌊Here ends the first anuvāka, with 2 hymns and 49 verses.⌋

3. To accompany the releasing of a house.

[Bhṛgvan̄giras.—ekatriṅçatkam. çālādevatyam. ānuṣṭubham: 6. pathyāpan̄kti; 7. paroṣṇih; 15. 3-av. 5-p. atiçakvarī; 17. prastārapan̄kti; 21. āstārapan̄kti; 25, 31. 3-p. prajāpatyā bṛhatī; 26. sāmnī triṣṭubh; 27-30. pratiṣṭhānāmagāyatrī; 23-31. 1-av. 3-p.]

⌊Partly prose—25 to end.⌋ Found also in Pāipp. xvi. (in the verse-order 1-3, 5, 4, 6-10, 14, 16, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 21, 18, 20, 19, 24, 23, 22, 25-31). The hymn is not noticed in Vāit.; but several verses (1, 15, 18, 22, 24) are quoted in Kāuç. 66. 22-30, in connection with an inauguration-ceremony (savayajña) in which a house (a toy house?) is an object given.

Translated: Ludwig, p. 464; Zimmer, p. 151 (vss. 1-24); Grill, 60, 188 (vss. 1-24); Henry, 87, 121; Griffith, i. 434; Bloomfield, 193, 595.—Cf. also Oldenberg, IFA. vi. 179.

1. Of the props (upamít), of the supports (pratimít), and also of the connectors (? parimít) of the dwelling (çā́lā) that possesses all choice things, we unfasten the tied (naddhá) [parts].

Ppp. reads upamitaṣ pratimito ‘tho parimitaç ca yaç çālāyā viçvavārāyā te naddhān vi cṛtāmasi.

2. What of thee is tied, O thou that possessest all choice things, what fetter and knot is made, that with a spell (vā́c) I make fall apart, as Brihaspati [did] Bala.