Page:Atharva-Veda samhita volume 2.djvu/70

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ix. 3-

All the mss. read balám (not valám) in c, as also Ppp. (bṛhaspatiṁ vahaṁ balam). Our Bp. has in d sraṅçayāmi: tvát. The Anukr. seems to imply the abbreviation of iva to ’va in c.

3. He stretched (ā-yam), he combined (sam-bṛh), he made thy knots firm (dṛḍhá); with Indra we unfasten [them], as a knowing slaughterer the joints.

4. Of thy beams (vaṅçá), ties (náhana), and binding (prāṇāhá) grass, of thy sides (pakṣá), O thou that possessest all choice things, we unfasten the tied [parts].

Vaṅçá is properly a bamboo beam. Prāṇāhá (unchanged in pada-text) seems to occur only here, nor is root nah elsewhere combined with pra; I have ventured to render it as an adj., as tṛ́ṇa appears to call for a descriptive epithet. Ppp. reads naddhān vi in d.

5. Of the clamps (saṁdaṅçá), of the paladás, and of the embracer (páriṣvañjalya)—now of the mistress of the building do we unfasten the tied [parts].

Ppp. reads, in a, b, palidānāṁ pariṣvañcanadasya ca; and, for c, sarvā mānasya patni te; it also puts the verse before our 4.

6. What hanging vessels (? çikyà) they bound on to thee within for enjoyment, those we unfasten for thee; be thou, [when] set up, O mistress of the building, propitious to our self (tanū́).

Çikyà may be an ornamental hanging appendage of some kind.* All the mss. read mā́nasya patni in d; our edition emends to mān-. The pada-text has úddhitā, undivided, in e (as at xviii. 2. 34, and uddhíḥ at viii. 8. 22); the case ought to fall under Prāt. iv. 62, but root dhā is not mentioned there, though we find han superfluously included. Ppp. reads yāni te antaç cikyāny āmedho ‘ntyāya kaṁ; and, for d, sarvā mānasya patnyā.

*⌊As to decorations of this kind, see John Griffiths, The Paintings in the Buddhist Cave-Temples of Ajantâ, London, 1896, plates 6, 10, and 13; of. also Karpūra-mañjarī, iii. 27, ed. Konow, and my note thereon at p. 289. W. has interlined "slings" as an alternative rendering of çikyà.⌋

7. Oblation-holder (havirdhā́na), fire-place (agniçā́la), wives' site [and] seat; seat of the gods art thou, O heavenly dwelling.

The paroṣṇih is regular, save for the common variant of a triṣṭubh instead of a jagatī-pāda at the end.

8. The thousand-eyed net (ákṣu), stretched out as opaçá on the division-line (viṣūvánt), tied down, put on, do we with worship (bráhman) unfasten.

Abhihita in c doubtless contains the suggestion of abhidhāni 'a halter.' Geldner (Ved. Stud. i. 136) wants to make of akṣu a 'stake' or 'pillar.' Viṣūvant probably means the 'parting of the hair, crown' (so Zimmer), here the ridge of the roof. Ppp. begins with yakṣmopiçam, and has in c the easier reading apinaddham apihitam.