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"Um hill over there," said Jim, pointing. "Come round this way."

Leaving him to take the rôle of guide, Dave and Tempest followed, and after a while emerged from the trees. A few hundred yards away the hill towered, but the ascent was difficult enough, even though they could now see where they were putting their feet.

"Why, we must have wandered half-way round the island," said Tempest. "Jim, where is the lagoon?"

"’Way across there, I think," the Kanaka replied, pointing.

"Well, all I can say is that it's a mercy we did n't blunder down to the beach where old Flagg is," Tempest commented. "We went round in a half-circle."

It took the trio nearly half an hour to reach the summit, but when they gained the top of the "camel's back" they were in a fine position for observation. Not far below them was the placid