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water of the lagoon, and the black hull of the Hatteras was plainly discernible. Here, too, they solved the mystery of the Firefly's whereabouts. They had wondered where Flagg had hidden her. Now they could see her moored behind the wreck, in such a position that she would not be observed by any one entering the lagoon.

"I wish I had brought my glasses," Dave said.

"You'd only have lost 'em in the scramble," his companion commented. "Besides, we shall be able to see all we want in a few minutes. Those clouds are rolling away fast."

Half hidden behind a rock, the three peered down at the strange scene for some time. The rain had ceased altogether, and the sand glistened silvery in the moonlight.

Suddenly Dave took a quick inward breath, and his fingers tightened on the rock he was leaning against.

Stealthily, silently, three forms emerged from the shadow below, and moved in the direction of