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matter. Once or twice he shot a speculative glance at Wade. He was a nice-looking lad of apparently thirteen, with clear blue eyes, a fresh, healthy complexion and brown hair slicked straight back from his forehead in a way that added to the ingenuousness of his expression. His likeness to the Girl was so patent that Wade warmed to him at once.

"How's everything at Groton? " he asked. Gordon looked up in surprise.

"All right, sir. How'd you know I was from Groton, though?"

"Perhaps I can tell a Groton man when I see one," replied Wade smilingly. "I went to St. Mark's myself."

"Did you?" asked the boy eagerly. "Did you play football?"

"Yes, I was on the team three years and we licked you twice in that time."

"Gee, that must have been a long while ago! You don't do it very often nowadays."

"That's so; you chaps are too much for