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us. Still, we got you again this year, I think?"

Gordon nodded gloomily. "Yes, six to nothing. Did you see it?"

"No, I was in Colorado then. What form are you in?"

"Second, sir. What position did you play?"

"Left tackle and guard. That was away back in ninety-four,—five and—six; rather before your time." Gordon pondered, looking interestedly across.

"Did they play the game about the way we play it now, sir?"

"N-no, those were the days of the mass-plays, the flying-wedge and guards back. And I'm enough of an old-timer to think that football then was a heap more interesting than it is now."

Gordon took up the cudgels for "new football" and they threshed it out between them. Then Wade told some stories of the old days at St. Mark's, and Gordon, not to be outdone by a representative of the rival